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  1. S

    June-Revalidation Application tracking

    Thanks for your support Just now I sent it again to DC office, let us wait waht happens.. Sam
  2. S

    June-Revalidation Application tracking

    US Departmentof State exactly $175.00 I have a photo copy of that Money order They asked me to send again St.louis with only $75.00 Money order Sam
  3. S

    June-Revalidation Application tracking

    But they asked me to send St.louis again
  4. S

    June-Revalidation Application tracking

    one money order of worth $175.00
  5. S

    June-Revalidation Application tracking

    hello Hi I sent my PP to SL on June 11 2003 and My pasport received without stamping Sept 10 2003. Reason in that letter is Overpaymnet Processing fee. I paid $175.00 money order from USPS Any ideas highly appreciated. Thanks Sam