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  1. J

    February Bulletin has just been released!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The Entrant Status Check website wont allow me to log in, I keep getting an error message when I try. I hope this is because they are updating my file with an interview time.
  2. J

    February Bulletin has just been released!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yeah, I think I'm gonna be refreshing my email every hour on the hour until that date arrives :)
  3. J

    February Bulletin has just been released!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As soon as that date arrives it will be panic stations. So much to do. I'm trying to avoid all thought that something will go wrong, it's not easy though! How long does it usually take to get the follow up email? Hopefully not too long!
  4. J

    February Bulletin has just been released!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Does anyone know Oceania update yet?
  5. J

    2013 DV Australian winners

    Good grief. Where's everyone moving to anyway? I'm off to Oregon (successful interview permitting :) )!
  6. J

    2013 DV Australian winners

    Yep, I heard it's about $300 each here for the medical, and we'll have to fly to Sydney for the interview from Brisbane and pay for a hotel. Totally worth it all though as soon as I get that approval! It was good to catch up on immunisations anyway, I was very behind. The DV visa is forcing me...
  7. J

    2013 DV Australian winners

    I've been with the same doctor for a while, so I could see what I'd had in the last 5 years in my records. Turns out, I hadn't had any of the required ones since early High School, over 10 years ago, so I had to get all of them. The painful bit was how much it cost. It worked out to be about 10...
  8. J

    2013 DV Australian winners

    I'm in the low 800's so fingers crossed! I got my police checks done yesterday at the station, and all my immunisations done last month. Can't wait for that Bulletin update!
  9. J

    2013 DV Australian winners

    Hi all! I am an Australian DV visa selectee also, refreshing the bulletin daily and hoping for my number to come up. Feels like a long wait, but as soon as I'm current I'm sure time will start moving too quickly! Hoping to become current for March. The forums have been a big help answering some...