Search results

  1. M

    change of present address

    I see, thank you Susie!
  2. M

    change of present address

    Hi all, I have a question. I got my 2nd NL few days ago. My present address and phone numbers are changed after I sent KCC my DS-230 forms last year. So now, before I go to interview, do I have to inform them (embassy) about those changes? Embassy in my country requires to bring DS-230, so I'm...
  3. M

    police certificate

    Nyamka, I sent you private msg. Rayme, will you have interview in Seoul?
  4. M

    police certificate

    Thank you guys for your kind response. I will renew my PC when my CN come current.
  5. M

    police certificate

    Dears, I'm from Asia (not Nepal or Iran). I and my family lived in Korea for 6 years then went back to my country on Oct 2013. Just before we leave we both obtained police certificate from korean police. But my CN is quite high (AS 112xx), so still I haven't yet interview now. If I become...
  6. M

    Warmest Wishes This Holiday Season

    Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
  7. M

    overstaying visa in 3d country

    :) Thank you guys for replying, I'll keep in mind.
  8. M

    overstaying visa in 3d country

    Dear friends, I'm new to here, just happy to find this forum. I have a question, if one overstyed her visa in 3d country, does it affect obtaining DV visa? Sorry for my poor english. Hope anyone will answer to help me :)