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  1. L

    please advice, missing evidence on citizenship interview

    Six months, now I am wondering the same thing. We married in Oct but filed in April. I see that is six months but I hope they are not that picky. This is also over five years ago.
  2. L

    please advice, missing evidence on citizenship interview

    You are in my thoughts. I just don't understand why they want to go back to 2003 since that is out of the five year period. Do you mind if ask that if both of you filed jointly? I mean that year if you did, it shouldn't matter. Nor for the other years.
  3. L

    Documents needed for Naturalization

    Ok, now I have a question about bearing arms which I cannot do because of my faith. I brought this up in another thread and I am not sure what to think now. My faith is not of organized religion so there is no congregation. We all practice at home. How do I get a document saying I cannot...
  4. L

    church membership and N400

    Ok, now this will be a problem since my faith has no congregation since people of my faith just practice at home. Should I call my congressman on this to get a letter? Or should I get an attorney to draft a letter?
  5. L

    church membership and N400

    Can I be deported just because I am not able to bear arms? Or should I just hire an attorney about this? It is not that I don't want to bear arms but I am not allowed to because of my faith. If I participate in any type of violence, I can suffer dire consequences in my afterlife.
  6. L

    Have you ever committed a crime or offense for which you were not arrested?

    Absrao, I think they must have thoroughly screened the California governor when he applied since he was a famous actor then and was in the limelight. People in the limelight do not go undetected. Just an example, people who are or who have been in reality shows are watched closely by the IRS...
  7. L

    Have you ever committed a crime or offense for which you were not arrested?

    Thanks for the link. I don't know why this person lied about certain things during the interview when this person was very qualified for the job. This is something no one in the family understands. This person is highly intellectual and had to know it can be verified. WOW!
  8. L

    please advice, missing evidence on citizenship interview

    Sounds like they did call attention to the fact that they did not file taxes on time but since the applicant eventually did file those taxes, why even mention about it. Now what I don't understand since the taxes were filed for the year mentioned, why IRS has no record. I thought they kept...
  9. L

    Traffic tickets and naturalization (threads merged)

    Thanks NewRunner. I just hope all that matters is the last five years since I have a very clean drivers record going back longer than that.
  10. L

    church membership and N400

    I cannot bear arms neither because of my faith. But mine is not an organized religion so how do I get documentation to prove it?
  11. L

    Have you ever committed a crime or offense for which you were not arrested?

    I mean my interview for citizenship.
  12. L

    Is this domestic voilence?

    You may want to talk to a lawyer on this since I don't know what to say. Some are saying no and some yes.
  13. L

    please advice, missing evidence on citizenship interview

    I have not made any trips abroad in over five years and I do have my tax returns, both state and federal.
  14. L

    Have you ever committed a crime or offense for which you were not arrested?

    I now wonder if this will come up in the interview and here I didn't even do anything.
  15. L

    church membership and N400

    Thanks Barr. That is a relief.
  16. L

    Have you ever committed a crime or offense for which you were not arrested?

    All I have are traffic tickets which I am talking about on that thread so I won't talk about them here. My family member has no criminal history but in the job interview, this person lied about me and certain others of the family being citizens when we are not and this person lied about their...
  17. L

    Have you ever committed a crime or offense for which you were not arrested?

    Just out of curiosity, what do intelligence databases show? Is it just terrorist activities? I am asking since a family member of mine applied for a job in a Federal Govt. and got turned down.
  18. L

    church membership and N400

    I am also interested in this question about being a member of groups or organizations. We don't really have to answer YES like you said do we since I sure do not remember what I belonged to in college. Do they check and see what you once belonged to even though they were just productive...
  19. L

    please advice, missing evidence on citizenship interview

    Just out of curiosity, how far back do they want to inquire about taxes. There are some people who don't always save them after 8 years, does the IO ask about this or are they only interested in the last five years?
  20. L

    Traffic tickets and naturalization (threads merged)

    Thanks NewRunner for answering my question. Now it is a relief that I don't have to answer about parking tickets. Should I even mention it to the IO? On the traffic tickets, one was thrown out of court and a couple I went to traffic school for. Then a couple others, I paid. None were...