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  1. S

    DV2008--AOS only

    Hi. I'm also a DV 08 winner and am planning to do AOS. I have a question. Did the price of AOS process go up? I was checking out the uscis website and it said the I485 is $930 + $80. That's more than twice as much as previous year's! that would hurt my wallet...
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    Need Help with AOS Procedure

    Thank you Researcher29. I have been reading aos threads on this forum, some extent. I have actually read your experience and some other aos experiences over and over. They were quite helpful, but since I had so little background knowledge on this topic(visa process etc.)everything...
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    Need Help with AOS Procedure

    Thank you Entermate! ok basically, for aos, you really don't send anything to USCIS until my number becomes current, is that correct? So for right now, I can pay the dv fee to department of state, and then just start collecting and preparing all the necessary documents before my...
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    Need Help with AOS Procedure

    So I'm trying to start my AOS process. But I don't know what to do first. I understand that for AOS, I'm dealing with USCIS and not the KCC. And according to the instruction in 08 NL, from what I understand, I don't have to send back the DSP122 and DS230 KCC if I'm doing aos. But...
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    CP or AOS...unique situation

    Thanx a lot guys. I've been doing some research and I'm starting to understand more about how this works. btw, the first packet, many people on this forum says that you have to send the 1st packet back to kcc even if you are doing aos, but the instruction on my packet says to take it to...
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    CP or AOS...unique situation

    Hey guys. I thought about it over...and I changed my mind. I think I'm gonna go with aos. but this is a bit troublesome because the KCC's packet doesn't have much information on aos processing, and I'm quite confused about what I should do. I have a few specific questions. 1. I was...
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    CP or AOS...unique situation

    thanx researcher29:) cp still IS safer then...I guess I'll stick with cp:D btw, if I go with cp, when would the interview most likely be? is it possible that I can get my green card before the end of August?(when the school starts?) the only thing I'm worried about is...
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    CP or AOS...unique situation

    thanx LucyMO! I have been living in US since I was 14 under F2 visa, and I went to a local High School in Michigan. After I graduated from high school, I got F1 visa to go to college in US. I have never gotten in trouble(not even for minor traffic violations or anything;P) ever since I...
  9. S

    CP or AOS...unique situation

    Hi. I am showtime. I recently received DV notification for 2008 and I am having hard time trying to decide if I should CP or AOS due to my unique situation. So I was wondering if I could hear you guys' opinions. I am Japanese, but I have been living in US for several years with my family...