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  1. J

    There is a bug which allows me to add messages with PCee\'s name

    This does not explain or excuse your antics at all! do not attempt to use this sporadic instance to coverup what bullshit you and your many aliases have been pulling here. That has to do with PCee and the links he has setup on his website. You are still being watched dear friend. Now in...
  2. J

    Clearing confusion => Vishnu Mahadev and Vishnu Mahad`ev are two different people.

    Vishnu, stop your miserable tactics. You yourself created... the other similar id for your own despicable reasons. I have noticed that from the time somebody accused vishnu of doing this that quick2001, inssuperwaiter, csc_gc_waiter etc, only post to praise vishnu to the skies. vishnu had...
  3. J

    Case approved based on IIO\'s infomation

    vishnu, here you go again, giving your unsolicited advice.... Do not tell people what to do. this is a free country, they have a choice. fyi, people calling iio will not impact your case at all. you see, iio\'s do not adjudicate any cases. I suggest that you just lie low for a few days or...
  4. J

    Message From Ciba: Please leave Vishnu Mahadev alone

    stupid vishnu has been caught with his hands in the cookie jar one too many times. Now that his dishonesty is out for the whole board to see, he lets his dogs (multiple aliases) loose on the board. The latest dirty stunt was to misuse the good name of ciba to mislead people that were not paying...
  5. J

    Stamping Experience @ Santa Ana.

    Thanks for writing about your stamping experience. I am happy it was a pleasant and quick experience for you.
  6. J

    PCee, Bongo, anyone - Is letter from employer required for PP Stamping?

    vishnu, as somebody else noted you have a foul mouth. I pity you... you must have had a really harsh upbringing. it is never too late to acquire more polish.
  7. J

    Vishnu!Some Days

    Thats right- enuff about you. now shut up - stop craving attention and post something informative if  
  8. J

    Please Donate to the "Help Vishnu Mahadev See a Doctor Fund"

    I am baaack vishnu. Here\'s my $10 towards your treatment fund.  