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  1. S

    Typical lawyer charges for EB1-EA or EB1-OR application process.

    panduranga, Could you share your credentials with us more specifically? Which I-140 did you get approved with, NIW or EB1-EA? Also could you please PM your lawyer info? Thank you very much.
  2. S

    EB1-EA vs. EB2-NIW

    is NIW a backup of EB-1EA? I see several postings of filing NIW and EB-1EA together. Is it just that those who are filing EB-1EA want to use NIW as a backup because NIW standards are lower? Or does it mean that NIW filers should have as good credentials as EB-1EA filers? I'm thinking of going...
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    Chances for NIW - please help!!

    Thank you so much for your comments, all of you guys! (also for wishing me good luck.. I reall need that) I just spoke to a lawyer who is supposedly quite famous on internet. He sounded very hopeful about my case. Of course he said I need a good bridge between my phd background and...
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    Chances for NIW - please help!!

    thanks! Thank you so much for your comments, Freemann and good_y. I guess I wanted to give it a try anyway but needed some confidence to push myself to the battle(?). :) Hope I can get some good news back. I am going to talk to a lawyer today. We will see how it goes.
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    Chances for NIW - please help!!

    Hello all, I am new to this site and find it really helpful. I wanted to ask for your opinions on my chances for NIW. My credentials come first and concerns later. 1. PhD in materials sci (polymers) (top 5 engineering school in US) Postdoc in a hospital lab (top 5 medical school in...