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  1. T

    Orlando, FL - N-400 Timeline

    +1, everything will work out! :) FredW, congrats!!
  2. T

    Orlando, FL - N-400 Timeline

    Yes, Rick Scott is the Governor and Tallahassee is the State Capitol. (Marco Rubio or Bill Nelson is the right answer) (I would say Sandy Adams or John Mica)...
  3. T

    Orlando, FL - N-400 Timeline

    Very cool, thanks for the update!
  4. T

    Orlando, FL - N-400 Timeline

    Your both welcome, I will keep my fingers crossed for you usctobe! NotBonJovi, if you are a smart phone user (Android/iPhone) there is an app out there for the Citizenship the test that was also very good. It was developed by Colin (something) and it is free, includes all 100 questions and...
  5. T

    Orlando, FL - N-400 Timeline

    I have to admit the most difficult part of this process was having patience. Being we are coming into the holiday season I can only assume things might slow down a little due to people taking vacations but if they stay true to our processing time(s) your letter should be along this week.
  6. T

    Had my n400 interview today in Holtsville (Long Island)

    Let me start by saying congrats!!! Your interview experince sounds a lot like how mine went at the Orlando office, she was very kind and seemed very sincere! I would have liked to given her a BIG hug too but a handshake and a heartfelt thank you sufficed. My interview was on a Monday and the...
  7. T

    Orlando, FL - N-400 Timeline

    This one was also very good, I used it daily the week before my interview! :)
  8. T

    Orlando, FL - N-400 Timeline

    Yes, they are talking about the traffic infractions. If you have an iphone or android there is a wonderful app for studying, it is called the U.S. Citizenship test and it's author is Colin (something). Again, best of luck to you!!
  9. T

    Orlando, FL - N-400 Timeline

    Ustobe, I brought evidence that I paid both tickets with me and the I/O was not even interested in seeing them, just asked me if I declared everything. This varies from each officer so my suggestion is to get copies of the ticket(s) and payment and delcare anything that was NOT on the...
  10. T

    Orlando, FL - N-400 Timeline

    Congrats on passing the interview!! Did the AJ Officer give her a paper that said she passed and was approved? Was your wife asked to wait around for the oath letter or did they say it would be mailed/scheduled after the holiday? I was afraid you would be bumped until after the holiday today...
  11. T

    Orlando, FL - N-400 Timeline

    Any luck today Fred??
  12. T

    Orlando, FL - N-400 Timeline

    Thank you, looking at my time line it was a month and half before I recv'd anything either-it was killing me too!! Looking at your timeline you should be getting something soon!!! Day 22 --Sept 28 --Status change to testing and interview
  13. T

    Orlando, FL - N-400 Timeline

    I can now say "I am PROUD to be an AMERICAN citizen"!!!! :) The USCIS I dealt with yesterday is worlds apart from what it was ten years ago. ALL of the staff were very professional, very kind, sincere and helpful. I also have to say the ceremony was well organized and very touching. We had...
  14. T

    Orlando, FL - N-400 Timeline

    Moosanam, what did you have to bring to the Clerk's office with you? Passport pictures, what documents? I am asking because I may just got get a copy of the Naturalization Cert and then go straight there to apply.
  15. T

    Orlando, FL - N-400 Timeline

    Thank you Makrida and your welcome Fred.
  16. T

    2011 July N-400 Tracker

    Fred, after my interview this morning I asked a question about the oath dates just for you. The I/O I interviewed with said they are doing them weekly on Friday's in Orlando. My only guess is that yours *might* get bumped a week because Friday 11th is Veterans Day. I am not sure if they are open...
  17. T

    Orlando, FL - N-400 Timeline

    SIG Update! Almost forgot to update my signature! :)
  18. T

    Orlando, FL - N-400 Timeline

    Be patient it all takes time and sometimes seems like an eternity (this period is the longest)! I will be sure to update this thread tonight, time for some breakfast, last minute studying and make sure all my papers are in order. :) The interview went great, the I/O was a woman, in her late...
  19. T

    Orlando, FL - N-400 Timeline

    FredW, that is my understanding too (read it here somewhere) but the three of us who have been active here are about a week apart so we will find out soon. :)
  20. T

    Orlando, FL - N-400 Timeline

    You will do fine, just keep studying. :)