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  • thanks for the answer....you know my asylum was denied ,and i did an appel ,and denied again, and ordered to be removed from us nov 19 2004 and i didnt get anymore letters from uscis, nov 20 2004 my son was born ,but i wasn,t married legaly ,i got married after the desicion from the court ,, i forget to tell you i didnt get the deportacion from the judge ,i got it from the prosecutor............. thanks anywas for you answer.........burchb1
    thanks for the answer....you know my asylum was denied ,and i did an appel ,and denied again, and ordered to be removed from us nov 19 2004 and i didnt get anymore letters from uscis, nov 20 2004 my son was born ,but i wasn,t married legaly ,i got married after the desicion from the court ,, i forget to tell you i didnt get the deportacion from the judge ,i got it from the prosecutor............. thanks anywas for you answer.........
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