Recent content by wkcnc

  1. W

    Coming back on H1B with Approved I-140/Priority date already current

    I have an approved i140 with a priority date that is current, but realistically, it is still at least 2 years to get the GC since I have to redo the PERM. I plan to take a break for a year or two either staying in the US as dependent on my spouse's visa or go back to Canada. I have been on H1B...
  2. W

    H1B to TD

    Hi all, I am on H1B with I-140, but I plan to quit in march next year My wife is on TN, my current plan is to become her dependent for the next year or 2. During that period, she will hop back on her previous H1B and start the GC process on her side. What's the process? Do I just file the...
  3. W

    Computer Systems Analyst - NAFTA job description

    I think it would be helpful, but to the best of my knowledge, it is highly subjective to the officer...
  4. W

    Joining date and date of obtaining TN status

    I think it kind of matter, but 2-3 day is not a big deal. I had a friend who was rejected because the start date on the TN letter is 3 weeks before he was applying.
  5. W

    complex tn/personal situation

    thanks. Will stay with my friend...
  6. W

    Computer Systems Analyst - NAFTA job description

    It really depends on the officer. Your degree definitely doesn't fit the category requirement. I think the TN letter needs to talk elaborately about the specific courses you took and how they relate to the offered job. I am in similar situation, my degree is Math / Business...
  7. W

    complex tn/personal situation

    Thanks a lot. 1: Understood. I think you have good points. 2: I guess I didn't ask the question clearly. I meant what US address should I say I will be staying ? Should I put my home address or should I say I will be staying at my friend's place (which I could) ? 3: Thanks. I guess...
  8. W

    complex tn/personal situation

    hi guys, just got some bad news today, now i cant sleep... i got my first 1Year tn visa back on 2009 on Buffalo border, during this year i bought an apartment in US. second year, reapply for another TN at same place, got it again. everthing is smooth. but the beginning of this Year, i...