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  • I am gonna send my package in Jun. Maybe FO is waiting until when your number be announced then will set your interview.
    hi, which country are u from. so right now i just have to wait for the 2nd letter follow up by the rest of the procedure right.
    Hi eooedada,

    Just saw your info in the spreadsheet. You sent your AOS package before being current, right? Did you ask someone or you just felt like trying it?

    Good luck!
    for now just wait for further instructions, if they accepted your application, do whatever they say.

    go to biometics

    go to interview
    eooedada, urs cn seems like mine ie AS00033000 but u have appplied earlier than the bulletin and they accepted it , wow damn lucky :)
    by the way I heard that ifwe submit it early than they will return it and fees will not be returned// is it true??
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