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Registration Form questions

Thank you for your informative response. That you may feel the need to say that I have no reason to be offended by certain persons writing in a demeaning way or some insinuating that "instructions are for pedantic losers" is not your right to say. I have been offended, and I see plenty of reason to be offended by these remarks. It is not about their content (except for the "pedantic loser" comment), it is about their manner that offended me. I see you feel the need to take it up for your fellow mods, which is fine. I have just never felt so unwelcome on a forum as on this one. Shame. I'm ready for this topic to be removed.

Perhaps you need to reserve your anger for the actual author of the "pedantic loser" comment which not only was not me but, if you had read it properly,you would have seen that it was actually aimed AT me. I took it as a humorous insult and didn't get offended by the way.
@Florentine.n.Alex, one thing I've learned about this forum is that everyone here genuinely wants people to get that GC. The advice I've received has always been spot on and - quite frankly - I would not have gotten that GC without the advice (and patience, because - man - I can ask some dumb a** questions, @Britsimon will attest to that) of others here.

This is a brilliant resource, powered by people who have lived the experience. If this is something you are considering, it's worth hanging around. :)
I'm very dissapointed to read the type of answers I am receiving back. What may be 100% clear to someone, may completely make no sense to others. This can be due to language barrier, being inexperienced, different pov, etc. But I see now that there are some people that are incapable of keeping this in mind and instead immediately decide those who are asking a polite and curious question a 'pedantic loser'.

I'm very sorry to have my first impression which was very positive) of this forum destroyed within minutes. I will look else where to get my questions answered.
The "pedantic losers" would be those who follow instructions. This is obviously an oxymoron. As others have spotted, I used it in an allegorical way to really mean that the only way to succeed is to follow instructions.
There was no offense meant whatsoever. However, I realize that the offense is in the eyes of the observer; and my comment made the forum appear hostile to the newcomer.
Please accept my sincere apologies.
@EmilyW, thank you for your kind and motivational words. This really made me return to this forum and give it a try again because I know (from browsing this forum) that there are some many people here who are super experienced and may know the answers to my future dumb questions, haha ;)

@Sensei-san, thank you as well! I think I may have been a little overexcited on that day and may have misconstrued things while they were not meant that way. As I said before, I would love to give this another go and learn from all you experts and enhance my 'chances' in succeeded in this DV Lottery, if I get that chance as a selectee of course ;)

For the rest, thank you for your information non the less in the forum post, and I look forward to what this DV Lottery possibly has to bring my partner and I. We just made our photos for the registration, checked it through the DV Lottery photo validator and they are both valid! One thing checked off the list. Tomorrow, when my partner is home, we will calmly go through the registration and make sure all questions are of course answered correctly. Very exciting!