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Police Certificate and laminated documents DV2023


I have my interview very very soon but scared as hell. I have lived in several countries and have police certificates for all. However, for one of the countries, I have a certificate that covers up to February but I left that country in May. I have never gone back since. I also have a copy of another certificate from the same country that covers up to two weeks before my departure flight. Should I take this copy and try to explain? Am I right to be worried since technically it "does not cover the entire period" yet the guidelines say

If these three items are all true, you must bring a more recent police certificate to the interview:

  1. You are older than 16 years of age;
  2. You obtained a police certificate more than one year ago; and
  3. You still live in the country that issued the police certificate.
For me, 3 is no longer true.

Also, I laminated my high school certificate due to being naive as a younger person. Will this cause any issues? I have two Bachelors degrees so not sure if I can show these instead. I am so sleepless from the worry.

1. Take both certificates along.
2. Take the Bachelor degree certificates along with the HS Diploma.
I think you’ll be fine.
Thank you. I hope I will update here with good news soon. ETA: For the second police certificate, I no longer have the original, just a photocopy with stamps from the embassy of the country I currently live in as I gave them the original for visa purposes.