Immigration reform and E2


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There is an update on E2 visa reform (bill HR1162). Below I have appended an extract of a post from someone who is involved in pushing this through at Washington.

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Exciting times,frustrating times,but for sure there is optimism like never before.The recent Washington trip that Zoe & Steve Adams & my wife & I made really did confirm that the last three years of developing "awareness" has made real in-roads particularly in some of the necesary key area's.Many of you may already have seen the newsletter detailing the events from the three day visit, which for one of the days involved us with two fine central Florida immigration lawyers,Lisa Kahn & Deborah Townsend.The invitation to be part of AILA's day of action is an indication that this influential group see a real unfairness with the E2 situation.Be very clear that perspective is not just central Florida driven but is shared by them at their Washington level,and for that great credit is deserved by Zoe.

CIR....(comprehensive immigration reform) although to 99% of Americans this means dealing with the 11 million undocumented it really is COMPREHENSIVE and involves half a dozen key issues.Sadly I would not list our situation as one of those key issues and this is not the arena to explain my personal thinking. However,we are very optimistic of inclusion principally because of meetings with two prominent influencers of policy.Although our current bill HR1162 has only token support it has done its job of being there in Washington on the table and garnering attention when things are brought together to form a big picture.

Responsibility for CIR is very much in the hands of the senate with the bipartisan pairing of Schumer & Graham.Their comments are reported on a daily basis and CIR could arrive tomorrow,next week,next month,next year,or even after the next Presidential election.....such is the world of politics at this time.Staying alert though is absolutely crucial for it is conceivable some smaller less contentious elements could surface most notably the "dream act".This is important to E2 families because although in its current language it does not include E2 children we have senators who have indicated they are prepared to add amendments sufficient to incorporate our children in to the bill.

Surgery.....not medical except for getting it off your chest. I URGE EVERYONE with a vested interest in E2reform who really desires attaining a more secure status whether for themselves,their children,or for the commerce side of their E2 business to find out surgery dates of your senator or congress representative.Go tell them about your investment of money & time and why a more stable and secure status is so beneficial to you & America.The more we do at this moment in time is so crucial,our story is very palatable and they really are seeking to find and understand elements of CIR such as ours so as to also approve the main component which is for many less palatable.


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Thank you.