H1B different job than I485 for future job


Registered Users (C)
Hi Gurus, need your little advise for my case,

Company "1" originally sponsored H1-B visa for job "A" and then LC/I485 for job "B"/future employmement ("future employment" was not stated on the original letter of offer). I have never done job "B" with company "1".

After H1B for job "A" expired, I got EAD/AP (I-485 for job "B") and continued working on job "A".

Now I got offer from Company "2" to do job "B", planning to start next month (no future employment required).

(Job A less salary and different job title than Job B)

#1A- any problem to move to company "2" to do job "B"? (use AC21 future employment?)

#1B- should I notify BSIC of employer/job change, ability to pay, etc?

#2A- do I anticipate any problem because I continued to do job "A" (after H1B expired) using the EAD card obtained with I485 for job "B"?

#2B- do I anticipate any problem because I entered country using AP (also obtained with I485 for job "B") and continued doing job "A"?

With EAD you can do any job "A" or "B" meanwhile. But your GC job - present or future should be 'similar' to your LC/485 job.
What job you were doing when you used AP is irrelevant.
Regarding AC21 notification to BCIS for job change- it is optional. Some do it some don't- till RFE- make your own choice- it all works out.
Good Luck,
GC job + second (different) job

Thanks! sb_tiger!

Another question:

Is it OK to have a "second" part time job (besides GC job) with DIFFERENT job description? Or to work part time SELF-EMPLOYED on a different job (besides GC job)?
