• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2019 Will Be Soon!!!!!!!

Finally the Tuesday is here, all the best guys-hope to see lots of selected responses. Am not sure I'll check mine on Tuesday. The feeling is crazy.
Keep yourself as busy as possible now you are back home @Bbal4lif2 (where is home btw?). As most of the regulars on here know (I have been here forever ;)), I have kept myself busy by going back to university and getting a Bachelors. Funny thing, I am now about to finish my Masters and just this week was asked to apply for a PhD scholarship. Wouldn't it be funny if I finally got selected on Tuesday? The universe might just have a sense of humour ;)

All the best


Home is Saint Lucia, Eastern Caribbean. That would be awesome if we both got selected haha, that way I can stay!
Yes, i wish there were certain criteria that made your chances of winning this higher..rather than luck.
I've been in this country for 10 years, legally, on two separate visas.
Went to middle school, highschool, and college here(obtained a bachelors degree) and none of that matters when it comes to getting this.
It's bullshit really but eh, what can you do..just have hope.

Well, on the other hand there are already pathways that are often easier for those already in (eg F1-OPT-H1). The point of random, is random. That said, DV aside I agree there are many ways in which US immigration policy could be improved to attract and retain skilled people.

I always wondered how the Immigrant DV works when the candidate enters on a non-dual-intent visa (like the F1). Wouldn't that be considered Dual Intent - ie to apply for an Immigrant visa while on a Non-Immigrant non-dual-intent?

Intent is determined at entry. If you enter with non-immigrant intent and later get a chance to stay, that’s different. But you wouldn’t for example be allowed to renew a F1 or other NIV if you had demonstrated immigrant intent.
Always remember that even if you win, you're not sure to get it : don't get your hopes too high.

Good luck for everyone tomorrow, I hope we'll make it !
One thing that scares me, but maybe I'm crazy, is that since there was the glitch and all applications before October the 18th were cancelled, I wonder if the pictures were also deleted.

Because last year I applied with the same picture as the one I used the year before (2016) and I remember I got an error message. I just hope that using the picture 2 times (before and after the 18th of october 2017) doesn't auto disqualify. I'm saying this because they have so many bugs it could be a thing.
I have 99% chances of getting not selected and no longer feel anything when the time of results arrive :). The emotions might go high with a positive result but you understand that chances are very low for that to happen :)
IF those who applied early October didn't re-apply, then your chances of getting "not selected" are at 98,589913% ;) Good Luck Pierre!
[ PS: It's a joke, don't open your statistics books please ]