Attorney Certified I-140

Planning to go for AC I-140

I am planning to apply for AC I-140. I have already received my I-824 receipt. Can anyone share their experience. Thanks
which counsulate is it?

Chennai does not accept AC 140. You would have to wait for 1824 approval, then NVC will send you packet 3, which you send back to NVC who forward it to Chennai and then you get a call. We have been caught in this loop. Hope that you have chosen a different consulate:))

Not Chennai consulate

Kanaka, thanks. Yes I am aware that Chennai does not accept AC I-140. My consulate is Delhi. I am still in the process of educating my lawyer as to what in the world is AC I-140. Is it possible that I get the documents from him and send the papers myself to Delhi.
We are in the same boat

Have you read my posting about AC-140? which INS center you are from? (we CSC) which consulate in India you are from? (WE CHENNAI)
eager to see your responses.
For delhi it seems you don\'t need even I-824 receipt you can go for AC140

with out that, they are accepting. Try that. It is not a magic or some thing. You can search for persons experiences, from delhi a person experience \'Akilesh Kumar\' experience you might want to know as he is also from delhi. Search using \'Akilesh kumar\'. Good Luck.
No Title

go to and read throught it . Even i have posted under the title " JUSTICE for AC-140....." . the lawyers at responded with some alternatives if you are attempting at chennai.
DS-230 question ??

I am currently only applying for my CP since I am divorced. In 21b of DS-230 if I mention the name of my minor children who are currently living with their mother in India will I have to pay the fee for them also when I go for my interview. I am only mentioning them because perhaps later (after a year or so) I might be able to get them here.
Does New Delhi accept Attorney certified I-140

I would like to know if New Delhi accepts AC - 140
hello prasadk

Thanks for ur ac-140 posting experiences . Did you get any type of visa processed at Mumbai before coming to USA?

What reasons did chennai give when they send back your application?
You are welcome. Yes, my H1B\'s are from Mumbai

That is why I could get my AC140 accepted at Mumbai. For the second
question I did not try to send to Chennai. I am not confident that they would accept it. Especially they mentioned in one interview with attorney murthy,, that they can only do AC140 for E1 cases other cases if they start doing that they will be heavily loaded.

Initially I did not mind to go to Chennai but in the mean time my file was delayed 2 months before reaches NVC. So I did not have other choice as I already have plans to go to India in June/July. So I sent AC140 to Mumbai, citing the reason that my last residence before come to USA be considered.

You can\'t do AC140 with Chennai on your own, I mean with out having some strong assistance from your attorney, you are considered to be unlucky because you fall in to that consulate jurisdiction. I did not spend time in investigating on how to pursue this matter with Chennai consulate. One thing state dept says that they have to accept AC140 if the AOS pending with INS and you have filed I-824 and it might cause further delay and you are nearing promotion etc. I think it is hard to convince in most cases unless your employer backs you up with this promotion clause that too if you have filed already AOS. In other consulates like Mumbai and Delhi they are convinced that processing time of I-824 for some INS centres it is taking like 6 to 7 months, as a delay. That is their own dicretion. We may not be able to enfore this discretion on Chennai. If your case meets their requirements like you filed AOS taking long time you are up due for promotion then you can file I-824 and take up the matter with Chennai.
Was AC 140 accepted at delhi

Hi Sevak,
  Was your AC 140 accepted at delhi. I am also planning to file for AC 140. My I 140 was approved in January for CP option, but CSC has not send the file to NVC yet.

My attorney says that delhi will no longer accept the AC 140 but if you can point me any doucment i will try to persuade him

AC 140 at Delhi

I am in the process of sending my papers for CP at delhi. Havn\'t done it yet. But this is news to me that Delhi is not accepting AC 140. As far as the information at is concerned it is being accepted at Delhi. But then again that info. might be old. I am going to send it any way.
For Delhi guys regarding AC140 useful information

This is the inforamtion encouraged me to file for I-824 and go for AC140 with out any doubts.

Akilesh Kumar "February New Delhi Interview Thread/ Tracker" 1/11/02 2:33pm

Prasad Thanks for the link. My attorney is sending my papers for AC I-140 to Delhi.
sending AC140 + I824 recpt + pck3 myself

Guys, Need your help. My lawyer is not ready to represent me for
AC140. Meaning he has given me AC140 which has original 140 and a
GENERAL letter (not to US consulate) certifying enclosed I140. They
asked me to send it to US consulate mumbai myself.
I am going to send AC140 + I824 recpt + pck3 + coverletter
myself. Does that increase chances of rejection? Is Attorney\'s
direct letter to consualate important? Can I do all the paper work
myself? Please advise me.
