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  1. G

    DV2009 from Indonesia, please kindly list here

    Bagi semua yang sudah sukses melewati POE dan/atau mendapatkan Green Card, saya ucapakan Congratulations! Saya senang kalau pengalaman dan masukan saya di forum ini bisa membantu rekan2 sekalian. Maaf saya sudah lama tidak berpartisipasi di forum ini. Sekarang ini saya lagi stress mencari...
  2. G

    DV2009 from Indonesia, please kindly list here

    Congrats Jon18. Saya turut bergembira kalau semua berjalan dengan lancar. Good luck with everyhting!! :)
  3. G

    big big confusion with kcc over plave of interview

    I had the same problem as yours, bonno. When I filled my application , I asked to be interviewed in Jakarta, Indonesia, because I'm a Indonesian Citizen. But when I received the interview appointment letter, KCC scheduled me for an interview in Frankfurt, Germany, the country of my birth. At...
  4. G

    Social security Number SSN?

    Go to your nearest SSN office in the town where you live. Almost every city/town in the U.S will have a SSN office. 1. Go to the SSN website: 2. Click on "Find a Social Security Office" on the left column. 3. Enter the zip code where you live and locate the nearest SSN office.
  5. G

    Need some DS-230 Help!

    What waiver? First of all, U.S permanent resident doesn't have the rights to sponsor family members except their own family (wife, husband, and children). On question 30a, she should say "yes". Regardless what she answer on DS-230, the blood test and the medical exam results that she will...
  6. G

    DV2009 from Indonesia, please kindly list here

    Kalau sudah punya U.S Driver License, saya sarankan jangan pakai International Driver licence lagi. Kalau sampai ditilang polisi di U.S and kamu bilang tidak punya U.S driver licence (meskipun punya), hukumannya berat sekali kalau sampai polisi ngecek nama kamu. Kamu bisa ditahan dan kena...
  7. G

    DV lottery and prior criminal record in the U.S.-anybody had that?

    Minor felonies like not paying parking tickets or getting speeding tickets are usually not reasons for the DV denial. In the past, got many speeding tickets in the U.S, and it wasn't even mentioned at the interview because it is not considered a criminal act. Shoplifting or theft would be a...
  8. G

    I-134 sponsor 70 yrs old parents

    $150,000 will be more than enough to sponsor your parents, and age is not an issue.
  9. G

    Sucessful CP in Jakarta, Indonesia

    Bump..someone asked for my experience.
  10. G

    DV2009 from Indonesia, please kindly list here

    Seperti kata Benz Leo, biaya $10,000 untuk pengacara itu omong kosong. Tidak benar. Tenang Jon18, tidak banyak yang perlu dikhawatirkan kalau sudah lulus interview. Untuk pengalaman saat di POE, silahkan baca post mengenai pengalaman saya...
  11. G

    Where is my A number? And what exactly is supposed to happen at the POE?

    That's what should happen. All it need is a stamp on the visa with the date you're admitted as a immigrant to the U.S. No signature needed. The A number should be on the visa under "Registration Number." or sometimes, the DHS officer will write it on Admitted stamp.
  12. G

    DV2009 from Indonesia, please kindly list here

    SKKB hany diperlukan untuk masing2 anggota keluarga yang berusia 16 tahun keatas. Akte kelahiran dibutuhkan untuk masing2 anggota keluarga.
  13. G

    DV2009 from Indonesia, please kindly list here

    CN tidak perlu dicantumkan di amplop yang dikirim ke KCC. Tidak ada instruksi yang menyuruh mencantumkan CN di amplop. Foto tidak peru dikasih nama dibaliknya. Cukup dengan menjept foto dengan applikasi orang yang tertulis mengunakan penjepit kertas (paper clip).
  14. G

    DV2009 from Indonesia, please kindly list here

    Untuk DV visa, form yang dipakai adalah I-134, untuk visa immigrant lainnya, form I-184. Visa DV berebeda dengan visa immigrant lainnya. Perbedaanya: Pertama, DV visa di prosess melalui KCC dan bukan NVC. Kedua, DV visa boleh mensponsori (petition) diri sendiri. Visa immigrants lainnya seperti...
  15. G

    DV2009 from Indonesia, please kindly list here

    @ benz.leo, gerindo : Dia harus mengisi form I-134. Jangan lupa untuk minta dilampirkan bukti foto kopi pajak tahun ini/tahun sebelumnya atau bukti keuangan (bank statement, deposito, dll) atau bukti pekerjaan dengan bukti gaji (proof of employment)...
  16. G

    DV2009 from Indonesia, please kindly list here

    SSN is short for Social Security Number. It is a number that you will get to establish your life in the U.S. It is very important that you have an SSN and keep it in secret. No one other than authorized people should ever know your SSN. You should be getting a SSN card on the mail 3-4 weeks...
  17. G

    eligibility for DV Lottery visa

    Since she was born in the UK, she is disqualified from participating the lottery. Once again, citizenship doesn't mean anything in determining qualification.
  18. G

    Please I need your help on these issues!!!!

    In my opinion, you still have a chance. What already happen in the past can't be undone (your overstay) and there is no point to stressing about it. For now, just concentrate on leaving the U.S as soon as you can. Before you leave the U.S, make sure you to get the transcript and proof of...
  19. G

    Please I need your help on these issues!!!!

    Leave as soon as you can. The less time you overstay, the more lenient they going to be with you. What is your status on the school record or on the SEVIS system at the moment? Have you asked the International adviser in your school? If your status is still considered as enrolled student...
  20. G

    eligibility for DV Lottery visa

    Yeap. Ethnicity and Citizenship don't matter. All it matters is the country where you were born.