Recent content by SirDuke

  1. S

    Financial Evidence Experiences

    Yes, My Visa was already issued. So, I was just curious about finance evidence. Is there something regional reason? If an immigrant from economically advanced country shows more or not. I heard from someone about finance evidence, evidence must cover for one year.
  2. S

    Financial Evidence Experiences

    Hi Winners, I am curious about how much is enough for financial evidence. Someone says it is expected to have 10K per each person. I would like to know about how much do/did you prepare for the amount. In my case, My wife and I (2 person) prepared for $85k bank statement. I think this...
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    Warmest Wishes This Holiday Season

    I wish all of you a Merry Christmas! From Japan
  4. S

    My interview experience

  5. S

    My interview experience

    Hi Dear Everyone, I've got a VISA! [img=]
  6. S

    cost experiences

    Hi, I'm Japanese. I have spent as follows. Birth & Marriage certificate $4 for all family member. (I made a translation myself) Police report for free Medical Exam $380 ($265/minimum + vaccination and/or antibody test)/person I think not so expensive.
  7. S

    2014 DV Lottery - Second notification letter

    2NL is comming Dear, All friends. I have received 2NL this morning! My appointment is Dec. 2nd. I hope you guys will get 2NL soon. Best regards,
  8. S

    Case no below 1800 in Asia

    can tygives Hi, My CN is AS00000***. I 've not to received 2NL yet. I am waiting and checking for my junk mail holder everyday:)
  9. S

    is there a second draw ?

    land lyingide Hi friend、 My answer is maybe no, maybe yes. Last year DV2013 had a something trouble, many people lost a Confirmation Number. This is relief work site url correction...
  10. S

    I've lost old pasppot ! How do I fill up "List dates of all previous visit" DS-230 ?

    Hi winners, I have lost old passport, can not fill up DS-230 part1 section35 "List dates of all previous visit" surely. Is there any good idea to how to fill up ? I am contacting KCC via email and waiting reply. KCC answer will be posted soon. Good Luck
  11. S

    2014AS000xxxxx All asia please help share CN info.

    Hi guys, My cn# is 2014AS000007xx