Shocker At Interview!!!!!!!!!

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Im the OP of this discussion...My case was approved a month later...After making an infopass....I was told not to worry about the waiver because the case was approved and card will be ordered today(back in Sept)...still not sure if the waiver was needed or its the IO mistake.I received the card a week after the Infopass...not sure if its just an attempt to make the USCIS more money ($545)
the same boat

hello everyone i came to the us as a student i paied for the college but i didnt go becoz my sponcer left me down i got married to a us citizen 3 months later i applied for a work permit and i485 and i130 i got my work permit and travel document my social security card last week i went for the i485 interview i got approved on i130 but not the green card becoz i didnt go to college so the immigration officer advised me to get a lawyer and apply for i601 waiver whats is my chances to get approved and by the way i have a very good job i pay alot of taxes i help my wife to pay for her sons loan he is in college can u guys help plz
im confused what to do thank u
im confused what to do thank u
we are confused about your post. There isn't a single comma or a dot there. I stopped reading after the first two lines. Please rewrite legibly.
ok im sorry about my english im still learning it anyways i came to the us 2 years ago as a F1 visa holder my univeristy was paid for but i couldnt go to the university i got married to a us citizen i applied for the I765 the I130 the I485 and the advance parole i got approved on all of them except the i485 the immigration officer didnt denied my i485 but she told me that i have to file for i601 waiver for grounds indassibillity because i commit a fraud for not going to the university i hope you understa dwhat i wrote this time .
and by the way i been working at the cement company i make a very good money and i pay a lot of taxes
do i really need to file for a i601 waiver or should i make an infopass and go back to my local affice maybe the immigration officer is new and she didnt know what she was talking about and by the way i do speack 2 languages arabic and french
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it does not matter that you make very good money, pay taxes or what languages do you speak.

if the officer determined that you applied for a student visa as a fraud, just to get into the USA then you better do what he said.

And from your story it does appear as immigration fraud. Got a student visa, did not go to the university and somehow got married 3 MONTHS later? it looks like you had it all planned.
please anybody here wants to really help me im so confused i love my wife i love my step son i love the us i have a great life here i work hard to help my wife and pay for her sons college and help my mother and my sisters in my country i dont wanna go back to my country
please anybody here wants to really help me im so confused i love my wife i love my step son i love the us i have a great life here i work hard to help my wife and pay for her sons college and help my mother and my sisters in my country i dont wanna go back to my country

****Best advice you are going to get.Trust me****
Do exactly what the immigration officer told you to do.You mentioned that you make good money,so I would assume that getting a good lawyer will not be a problem for you.Get a lawyer,file the I-601.And do it as soon as possible!...Good luck to u!
You said your sponsor let you down and you did not have the money to pay for your classes. But you did not plan coming to the USA and getting married. right?

How in the world did you happen to meet someone and get married in 3 months?
You said your sponsor let you down and you did not have the money to pay for your classes. But you did not plan coming to the USA and getting married. right?

How in the world did you happen to meet someone and get married in 3 months?


Cut him some slack... he's in trouble already....:rolleyes:
please anybody here wants to really help me im so confused i love my wife i love my step son i love the us i have a great life here i work hard to help my wife and pay for her sons college and help my mother and my sisters in my country i dont wanna go back to my country


What type of visa did you have when you came to the US? :confused: Also, what is the age difference between you and your spouse? :rolleyes:
Prea leave the guy alone, '' THINGS HAPPEN, LIFE CHANGES OCCUR, HIS SPONSOR LET HIM DOWN, WHAT ELSE CAN A MAN DO IN HIS POSITION TO MOVE ON IN LIFE,? yes he should have at least stayed in schol for a semester that was already paid for but he didn't know any better i gues, but we are not here to judge him again, we are here to listen and help with good advice.
I will leave him alone, but I will not buy the BS.

Sure the sponsor let him down? right... :rolleyes: and so he happen to spontaneously find someone and marry her in 3 months? :rolleyes: wow... how convenient...

This was planned and staged... got someone to marry him, got an F1 visa, entered the US, got married and never went to the university, filed for AOS. :mad:

pssst! 3 months... that is either amazingly lucky... or amazingly stupid.
I will leave him alone, but I will not buy the BS.

Sure the sponsor let him down? right... :rolleyes: and so he happen to spontaneously find someone and marry her in 3 months? :rolleyes: wow... how convenient...

This was planned and staged... got someone to marry him, got an F1 visa, entered the US, got married and never went to the university, filed for AOS. :mad:

pssst! 3 months... that is either amazingly lucky... or amazingly stupid.

You work for immigration or something?Or are you planning a career change;)...You get too worked up at the slightest hint of something being off.Take a drink and relax,it's sunday the sun is shinning(where I live anyway),calm down.The IO didn't even get worked up about it,but you are going to give it to him right?Because if he committed fraud in an attempt to get a gc,he wronged you right?I'm not condoning what he "may" have done,but it's not my or your place to accuse him off of speculation.
Mr.Praetorian I just went and read one of your earlier threads you started and accoriding to this you entered on a B-1 visa which is a temporary visitor for business.Yet you got married 3 months after you entered:eek:...So if I was a man that liked to assume things like you.Which fraud should I assume you did.A)You lied when you applied/obtained your visa and when you arrived at the POE ,because you already had someone in the US that you intended on spending the rest of your life with:eek:.Or B)There's no way someone could fall in love to the point that they want to get married only after knowing eachother for 3 months.So that "must" mean that you entered a fraudulent marriage to get your gc:eek::eek:.So which one is it Prae???...My point in doing this,stop assuming things because you wouldn't want people assuming things about you,and based on this,I know alot of people who would assume the worst.But of course i'm not one of those.;)
Assuming things is easy. However meeting someone in 3 months and getting married is not the same as meeting someone, know that person for 8 months, and while you entered to the US with different purposes, decide on getting married.

But I agree than when you assume, you make an ass of u and me. :p as the saying goes... either way, I do assume this is a fraud, he can speak to how he came and how he met this person.

Yet again, 3 months, of "love"... and getting married is incredibly stupid.
Mr Preatorian, how dare you accuse people and bully them unnecessarily, good job Pville85, so Praetorian you actually came to the Us this past January, and you act like you own this forum and the country,BULLY people just how you like, i'm sure because of you, alot of people do not feel free to ask questions that are very important to them, i knew that you had something to hide, because of the way you pounce on people, it's quite a shame reading what you had to say to this poor guy, knowing fully well that, that was exactly the same thing you are guilty of; leaving the arrow in your eyes and trying to take off the eye butter in someone else's eyes, it's quite a shame, i really hope you are not this judgemental in real life, you bullied the guy so hard that he doesn't even have the guts to post again, If you feel like you can't answer a question without first calling the person "FRAUD" do not answer, because you are not any better. Did you see how "POLITE" the people that answered your question were? atleast at some point you were a "NOVICE" when it comes to immigration matters, so now you think you have done some reading, and you wanna BULLY people? come of it, i personnally know the likes of you, i saw through you, the moment you started accusing almost every poster of some fraud or trying to attempt fraud. In some of your post you even went as far as telling people that, they were abusing the system, when you are equally guilty of the same offence, please cut this crap, if you can't answer the question right, leave it for the MATURE forum members to do so, i really felt trinigirl's pain when she tried to caution you, but what did you do, you called her a confusionist. Stop making people feel this terrible, going through AOS is enough stress, DO NOT ADD TO PEOPLE"S STRESS, THEY ALREADY HAVE ENOUGH TO DEAL WITH.let the IO's be the JUGDE. The fact that you came to the US for the first time in january 20th 2007 and you are able to go through the process successfully with the help from this forum, give other people, chance to acquire the knowledge to do so, ALWAYS KNOW THAT IF YOU CAN GET YOUR "GC" AFTER A COUPLE OF MONTHS< OTHERS WILL.:eek:
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Prae,hmmmm so if you know the saying about assumptions,why do u continue to make an ass of yourself.(Hey u said it):D...Where those 8 months came from???You entered "fill in the blank",you got married "fill in the blank".Math has always been my best subject,but hey I could be wrong,where is the 8months?

Let me do u for a minute,I "assume" some of the 8months that you "knew" your soon to be wife at that time you are referring to,was before you entered the U.S.So for 5months previous to entering the US,you didn't know you wanted to marry your wife.But while here the feelings were so overwhelming that in 3 months you guys took it to the alter,right?Hmmmmm do you see what i'm getting at.Assumptions,speculation,educated guesses,etc don't mean squat.Every person I know would think your marriage is a sham even with your 8months.Does that mean your marriage is a sham,certainly not.But the only people walking the earth that knows the truth is you and possibly your wife.Get it.I'm done:)
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