wrong picture on greencard!!!


Registered Users (C)
I was excited to receive my greencard yesterday from the mail only to see that the picture in it is not me!!! Have to call BCIS to report the mistake!!!!
No mistake has been made by BCIS. That picture is what you looked like when you applied for your green card several years ago. Remember the days when you had more hair and less wrinkles?
You are just envious!!! I got my greencard approved in 18 months. Thats from the time I filed my I-140.
Dude, I was only kidding, ok? And yes, I am envious. Enjoy your green card (with some one else's picture)
Originally posted by gopher97
No mistake has been made by BCIS. That picture is what you looked like when you applied for your green card several years ago. Remember the days when you had more hair and less wrinkles?

Originally posted by gopher97
No mistake has been made by BCIS. That picture is what you looked like when you applied for your green card several years ago. Remember the days when you had more hair and less wrinkles?

gopher97...You are damn funny!

:D :D :D :D


ROTFL :D Joke of the day! :)


Chill, that was a hilariously funny joke. It is a pity after all this wait time you were screwed by INS, but don't let it affect your sense of humour, it is not such a major problem. These cards are issued by contractors NOT INS, mistakes happen, just ping INS and they will reissue a new card in about 2 months. You will probably have to send this one back.

Originally posted by gopher97
No mistake has been made by BCIS. That picture is what you looked like when you applied for your green card several years ago. Remember the days when you had more hair and less wrinkles?
Good Joke..

But there may be some truth...in it

May be
The card is infact correct, but mailed to a this wrong person(basc)

Dude don't feel arrogant that you got in 18 months..
What would be special in you that others here do not have :D:D

Check it once more .... and surrender the card to wright person .. and wait for yours :D:D
Originally posted by 1amShantanuB

Check it once more .... and surrender the card to wright person .. and wait for yours :D:D

If it has the picture of a gopher on it, it's my freaking card!!!
Good One Gopher97

Originally posted by gopher97
No mistake has been made by BCIS. That picture is what you looked like when you applied for your green card several years ago. Remember the days when you had more hair and less wrinkles?
[quoteI] If it has the picture of a gopher on it, it's my freaking card!!!

Gopher97, that I was thinking too. :)
if the picture is similar to your then dont bother sending it back. who would know after few yrs if its really you...plus in tension you will start to look like that anyways....
Why don't you place of your face into it to remind you of the past and the future of BCIS ? No offense guys , I just want to join you in this crazy world BCIS had put us into! :)