Worst Desi comapnies ..list them


New Member
After going thorough lots of harrassmnt from these desi companies I think we should all share the junk desi company names to help each other. Just list the name of the company(need not be your company) and the negative points in them.
I know a few for example:
1. QIS: Pure body shopping desi company. Changed the name of the company sometimees. Terminated long term empls once the contract is over. Cut-throat.
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heard from some desi frieds that the following companies treated very bad them

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Man we should miss Allide Informatics, Atlanta based is the worst possible. Many of my friends had terrible problem with Krish
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following from my side:

I don\'t how far\'s its true but these have been named by some friends of mine..

1. Datalink, Mt.Kisco, NY
2. Fast
3. International Software Solutions
4. Oxford Internation
5. Swam Consultants
6. ITC
7. Quantum Solutions
8. Rishi international
9. Almost all those companies who prey (using Advertisements) in the India Abroad, News India...
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RAPIDIGM is something beyond worst, it is such a garbage which could not even be compared to worst companies
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Yes you are absolutlely correct. This guy kris, picks coins from dead bodies.Very stupid guy. I never saw such a fellow so far.
Anyway I am not working/worked with this Stupid fellow.
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What was your experience with Rapidigm? I am one of the employee of Rapidigm. I would like to know what kind of bad experience you got from them.
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I agree. One of my friend works at International Software Solutions and its the worst company that i know of based on what he goes through.
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I know most of Desi companies try to use the consultants and send them out when there is no need.
Companies try to squeez the blood of consultants, pull the consultants from the project, if they get higher rate.
Don\'t pay salary as per market.
But my friends keep one thing in mind the companies can take legal action for putting their name in public forum.

Just an advise

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Im one of Rapidigm ex employee.Everything was going well for more than 4 years.My project was over in may \'01 and
the termination came in June. No notice , no calls just a overnight mail with the termination notice.No severence package
( you cannot expect from a consulting comp).

So just make sure you are in project during your stay with this co.
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RajK - Some state law requires the companies that lay off pay severance. You may want to consult a lawyer
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I worked for them for 3 years and I was laid off a couple week after I went into bench, no moral no commitment whatsoever. My GC process disappeared in thick smoke. Due to this snafu I was forced to return to India, thank god I am was able to find nice job in Bombay.

Anyway it is just a bad experiance, of course they did not beg me to join it was me who joined them, it is my mistake I should be blamed for the same. Self abuse is the best abuse. Atleast I would like to suggest others to be careful when they are looking around for changing employers, rather sweep the floor in IBM instead of working in small place where people give a damn about you.
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Atleast IGATE/Mastech\'s Legal team is the best....as far as my exp goes..and amstech has give severance pay to the dot to people laid off..also...So I give a full thumbs up to IGate/Mastech guys.
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IROYMICS (previous name is International Software Solutions) based in VA is the worst company from all Desi company.
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As you all know, there are boys from four Indian companies that I have met a lot wherever I have gome to play:

1. Tata Consulting Services

2. Tata Unisys Ltd (Now called something else)

3. CMC Ltd

4. International Informatics Solutions

Doesn\'t look like any one is complaining. Does it mean they are improving?
