world is mine....feels like it

hello all waiters
my interview at baltimore local office was successful.
finally my wife can relaxe and carry on her residency...
i want to put all my info so atleast it will helpful to some one
the journey was started from jan 2000 when i applied for h1.
category EB3
state md
pd aug 2000
rd 08/01/2001
nd 11/23/2001
fp 03/07/2002
case transferred to local baltimore on july 23rd 2002(avm)
got official notice from ins abt transfer in a week
got interview notice from baltimore office around 1st week of august.
Intwevie:well they called our names before our inteview time (10-15 mins before) lady officer was kind, first started with me, full name, when i entered to usa last time, passports, state ids, any deportation, crime or violation of law,where i am working now, am i with same company, since how long working for same compnay, how much salary, last 3 pay checks, employers letter(my employer wrote that the firm will give immediate permanent employement to me, she had question abt that, but it wasn't serious),birth certificate,tax returns and w2.
my son was with us, she asked if we had his birth certificate, our marriage certificate, ead cards(she didnt return), i-94(she didnt return). she surprised me by not asking about i-140 approval package(anyway my lawyer told me before that, that they wont ask for it).
then she started asking my wife her name, date of last entry, marriage....almost same questions asked... for her birth certificate...etc
finally she said that we both are eligible for gc , she stamped our passport and congratulate us.
now main thing what i felt abt whole interview process.....
try to collect all documents, all means all(like i went with my son's passport and birth certificare though he is us citizen)
ppl who take inteviews are very smart, i think they study our whole file and are ready for questions. dont try to fool them and dont show them that you are smart and know everythig(thats wat my lawyer told me this morning).
just answer what was asked, submitt docements as per her request. believe me she read all our documents very carefully and she was very specific abt her question.
i was very tense when i woke up this morning, almost abt to throw up(i dont know why), but was relaxed when i reach federal building.
and please go with your lawyer, it will give you mental support.

good luck to all of you guys,
i know what we are going through.
god will help you all out, as he did us.
just stay are next.

ask me any specific question, i will be visiting this borad for couple of weeks.
Look who is first to congratulate you

Like it or not.

Congrats and enjoy.

OOPS, Someone sneaked in while I was typing.
Re: Look who is first to congratulate you

Originally posted by funloving
OOPS, Someone sneaked in while I was typing. [/B]

Sorry, you've got to type faster next time. ;)

Again, american gujju, congrats and have fun with your freedom.

Congrats american gujju. Thanks for your sugesstions. You are right they know every thing. Any way they are very cooperative in issuing Green cards.
God is great every one will get with out any problem.

Good luck to every one

Can you answer this question?

american gujju,
I just congratulate you but forgot my question. I just wonder is your current salary below or above what indicated on your labor certificate? If below please explain if situation when IIO asked your salary? (Like did she raise her brow? ) Thanks.

Congrats !
Thanks for your valuable information.
I have two questions:
1. My daughter is US citizen (by birth), do I need to take her with us at the time of interview?
2. After I entered in to US I went to Canada for couple of days, but there is no seal or evidence in my passport that indicate I went to Canada. Do I need to mention about that if they ask when I last entered into US?

Thanks again.
Question for american Gujju

Do we need to take any photgraph with us, I mean did they ask for any picture.
funloving thanks and thanks to all of you for sharing our happy moments.
forgot to mention abt job letter, your employer must include how much they will pay you and status of your job after getting permanent residence, and pay should not be less than your labor and status of your job shuold be same, thats what my lawyer said.
my current salary is much more than wat we filed in labor. i think it should not be less than labor, and she checked my both salary initial and current.
yes please go with your son/daughter's birth certificate if you have one doesnt matter us certificate or indian certificate, doesnt need to go with kids really.
please mention if you went to canada and have no stamp on your passport, as i wrote before do not lie if possible, just be honest, just keep in mind they are very co-operative and are there to issue green card.
i am not sure abt i-140, i thinks we filed for aos but went to cp, but again i am not sure, my i-140 says somthing abt consular precessing...
american Gujju

My salary is very less in 2001. Do you think its going to be a problem?. Most of the time i was on the bench.
But i do have all 4 yrs w2 forms and remaining yrs i do have more salary than labour(except 2001)
Do u think its big issue?. I am scared. Need suggestions from gurus...
