working for a big company?


Registered Users (C)
hi all

just a thought...

with regard to "persuading" INS to work faster(if such a thing was possible), the immigration lawyers(and their AILA) are one of the main avenues....

for immigration lawyers to do anything to persuade the INS, they need to be persuaded... by the ones who pay them...our companies in most cases...

and to persuade the companies to do anything, we have to show that many employees are affected and these are not isolated cases...

and a good number of employees will be affected only if the company is farily large...

... which brings up the subject of my post..... how about if people in big companies who are all affected by this delay group together and talk to their hr as a united front so that something can be done?

at this point, my point is just a stream of consiousness, but i think only if we apply pressure along the money trail, anything can happen.

what do u all think? don't we have enough people from the ciscos, the suns, the microsofts of the world who are languishing in this forum?

this was all tried .....

at least in this forum .....
everybody is waiting for somebody to make the move or for a miracle to happen.