Worked off campus..!!


Registered Users (C)
I wasn't able to find this question in FAQ so i hope some body out there might have an answer for it

When i was going thru college i worked off campus for years and when i applied for my GC i filled out an application to waive the objection against me 4 working off campus also paid the $200 fine. Now comes the fun part i'm ready to file for Citizenship and the question about whether i ever stated to be US citizen to land a job or what not
I'm not sure what will happen if i say yes i.e what are the consequences and what are my options here..?
JohnZ07 said:
I wasn't able to find this question in FAQ so i hope some body out there might have an answer for it

When i was going thru college i worked off campus for years and when i applied for my GC i filled out an application to waive the objection against me 4 working off campus also paid the $200 fine. Now comes the fun part i'm ready to file for Citizenship and the question about whether i ever stated to be US citizen to land a job or what not
I'm not sure what will happen if i say yes i.e what are the consequences and what are my options here..?

Well the first question is "did you ever say you were a US citizen"? If not, the point is probably moot, regardless of whether you worked or not. If however you did claim to be a citizen, you may have a problem that requires the expertise of an immigration lawyer.
Would "I dont remember" fly becoz it was back in '98 when i started to work off campus and i cant recall exactly what i filled but i have been doing my taxes and all ever since....
I guess the question you are asking is that do you lie or not. "I don't remember" is similar to I smoked pot but did not inhale! Lieing means that your citizenship could be taken away any time in the future if it is detected. At the same time, falsely claiming to be a US citizen could debar you from citizenship. You need to discuss your options with an attorney. No one can tell you the answer it will be up to you.

JohnZ07 said:
Would "I dont remember" fly becoz it was back in '98 when i started to work off campus and i cant recall exactly what i filled but i have been doing my taxes and all ever since....