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Anyone thinking about filing WOM as I am?

This has been a really frustrating experience.
I have tried everything: countless infopass visits, countless phone calls, senator, congressman, FBI, blah blah blah, you name it.
I wonder why so many people are writing to FL. What does she have anything to do with this? Should we really beg everyone who we can think of to get our LEGALLY EARNED right?
This is as frustrating as one can get after paying hundreds and thusands of dollars for.
I am tired of being rejected my right to get my case status and demand that the government to do their work for which I PAID them to do. I am tired of calling the shameless CSRs whose sole work is to deflect questions and giving non-information. They should be called "customer no-service representatives".

I am totally pissed off after seeing so many approvals filed more than one year after my case recently. What has the govenrment been doing for this one year? Do they know how much time, efort and money was lost due to their inefficiency and who is going to pay for it?

I say enough is enough. WOM WOM WOM.
File WOM. I might do that next month. In fact I was going to do that in Jan itself but my comapny's lawyer was not forth coming with my papers(I was going to file through another lawyer WOM). I even know people who were going to file but were distracted with this transfer. Now even after having their name check's cleared they are still in limbo anyway.
--Naveen Oshos
Relax - Yes it is painfull

Anyone thinking about filing WOM as I am?

This has been a really frustrating experience.
I have tried everything: countless infopass visits, countless phone calls, senator, congressman, FBI, blah blah blah, you name it.
I wonder why so many people are writing to FL. What does she have anything to do with this? Should we really beg everyone who we can think of to get our LEGALLY EARNED right?
This is as frustrating as one can get after paying hundreds and thusands of dollars for.
I am tired of being rejected my right to get my case status and demand that the government to do their work for which I PAID them to do. I am tired of calling the shameless CSRs whose sole work is to deflect questions and giving non-information. They should be called "customer no-service representatives".

I am totally pissed off after seeing so many approvals filed more than one year after my case recently. What has the govenrment been doing for this one year? Do they know how much time, efort and money was lost due to their inefficiency and who is going to pay for it?

I say enough is enough. WOM WOM WOM.
I am sure you had been observed, many from 2002, 2003, 2004 are still in the queue and unsure when they are going to be relieved from this waiting-pain.
Lets hope some systematic approach will be inplace to address these issues.
Relax and enjoy.
I am sure you had been observed, many from 2002, 2003, 2004 are still in the queue and unsure when they are going to be relieved from this waiting-pain.
Lets hope some systematic approach will be inplace to address these issues.
Relax and enjoy.[/QUOT

I am tired too, I did all my efforts to know what's happening with my case.
I was able to get USCIS customer rep who is of no use, she didn't even check my case and was telling me that it's in process. I asked her about more details and she insisted on process, then when I asked about my namecheck, background check she answered me it's pending because of the background checks and I am not sure how correct it is as she didn't even looked into my case(my guess) I wasted 2 hours of my time on that 1 call.