Withdraw marrige applications and apply for E-1


Registered Users (C)
Hi all,

Will appreciate some help about my situation :

I have a french, and israeli passport.

I enter the US a couple of times already using my French passport under the visa waiver program, the first 3 times I only entered for a couple of days just for a short vacation, the 4th and the 5th time, was a longer vacation in which I fall in love with an american citizen and got married.

We have submitted the I130 and all of the other documents to immigration 3 months a go, unfortunately our marrige is not working out, and we are now in a process of getting divorce.

In the meantime, I have received an E-1 job offer from a very big trader company, that trades with my own country Israel.

I have very qualified and I have around 8 years of experience working for big firms in europe and Israel.

My questions are :

1. What is the best way (safe) to get the E-1 visa approved? I have been told that i will need to withdraw my application for the I-130 while in the US, then depart the country, and apply for E-1 in my own country, would not that be considered as dual intent, and I have risks of being denied?

2. I had no intention of coming to live and work here, things just happened this way, I had a very good career in europe that I left for love, unfortunately it did not work out at all.

3. and the job offer was not planned too, I was at the right time with the right skills, and I have been choosen to be eligible for this position.

my life is becoming very complicated and I am having many restless nights, I will appreciate if anyone can give me a guideline, or calm me down in away.

I hope to be approved for the E1 visa, but which way should I take?

