Wish me Luck - Interview On thursday


Registered Users (C)
Hey Guys and gals,

My interview time is rapidly approaching. To give you a Synopsis on my case, I arrived here in the US on a G-4, became PR in 2000 due to 7 years of education in the US and being a dependent of my mom who worked at the World Bank.

I have hired a lawyer to go with me because I was charged with a DUI in DC in 2003. I plead not guilty, did Diversion and my case was dropped due to Noelle Proscequi (Spelling).

I also have 1 speeding ticket in the last 11 years in VA and I have proof of payment. My lawyer feels since I was charged and not convicted of the DUI I should be fine. Just a little nervous right now, don't really know what to expect.

I wanted to thank everybody on here for all the time and effort to reply to my posts - Without you I don't know where I would be.

