will traffic ticket affect I485 application?

Rachael Jiang

Registered Users (C)

My friend got a ticket this month (not full stop at a stop sign) and was asked to pay fine. Will this ticket affect her I485 applications(she is primary applicant)? Thanks!
sure it will

i am just kidding ..

but i am not a regular visitor to this site , this is the second
time this stupid question has popped up ( that i know of)

Also will affect following .....

1] You dated and then cheated a girl friend
2] SUI same as DUI, guess what "S" stands for
3] Visiting internet while at work
4] Not meeting deadlines at work
5] Not caring for parents enough
6] No studying for GMAT even after talking about it several times
7] Giving curses to INS even when those folks are working day and night
8] Mxxxxxxxxxxx
9] Not singing national anthem every day
10] For being fearful all the times as if sky is going to fall upon you.
11] for not trusting your own brains
12] forgetting that world is very big and you can job anywhere in the world if you excel
etc .
Vishnu, you forgot one very important factor ...

13) If you spend too much time on this board and consequently get very anxious about your GC. :)

Seriously, no need to worry about traffic tickets unless you are negotiating a lower auto insurance premium.