Will this affect me getting GC??


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First I would like to show my admiration for this online community and support group. I've read so many threads during the past few weeks and really noticed humanity and compassion of many people manifested by them donating their time, effort, and knowledge in helping other people that they don’t even know.

I met my girlfriend in 1998. we had stayed together for a while then we broke up. In 2004 we hooked up again but she was already married to a foreigner and we decided that we wanted to be together and get married but had to wait till her husband got his permanent green card because she didn't want to harm him because she had a child from him.
Her husband just got his permanent green card and they are both going to get a divorce soon.
We are planning to get married right after the divorce takes place, and my question is: will this thing cause a problem for me with immigration(that she already gave green card to someone else and we got married right after her divorce)?

Thanks in advanced for any help.
i think there is a 5-year wait period before she can sponsor someone new.

and if she's not in love with him but is just helping him get a gc b/c she 'doesn't want to harm him', then this is totally fraudulent, the family based category, esp. GC thru marriage based is applicable only if the spouse truly wants his/her loved one to stay. this is a benefit that is based on the idea that loved ones want to be together and start a family together in america.

and how do you sleep at night knowing that your splitting up a family? as you have said, you've been with her since 2004 and she has been married (is still married) to the other guy. smells like some big time fraud to me.
I don't know if there's a rule or a period of time that has to pass until she can sponsor somebody else.

Anyways, her history will definitely raise a red flag, so be prepared.
luv_US said:
i think there is a 5-year wait period before she can sponsor someone new.

and if she's not in love with him but is just helping him get a gc b/c she 'doesn't want to harm him', then this is totally fraudulent, the family based category, esp. GC thru marriage based is applicable only if the spouse truly wants his/her loved one to stay. this is a benefit that is based on the idea that loved ones want to be together and start a family together in america.

and how do you sleep at night knowing that your splitting up a family? as you have said, you've been with her since 2004 and she has been married (is still married) to the other guy. smells like some big time fraud to me.

i'm sorry that you missunderstood. i'm not breaking any family, but when i met her they were already in the process of splitting, and she wanted him to stay in the country so that he could stay in touch with his kid.

finally, are you sure about the 5-year waiting period?
thanks IM85U and sarrebal for your replies, but do you guys think this could be a ground for denial?
There's no waiting period, but they will probably scrutinze the application a little more. You may have to be more prepared in proving the marriage is real.
I do not see anything fraudulent or abnormal in this situation.

Love happens, and sometimes you just have to follow your heart. Cynic, if you really love each other, just do what you think is right, and I'm sure you'll be fine!

Good luck! :)
I would think that if the two of you wanted to be married, then just marry but get a co-sponsor if there is a 5-year wait or any type of wait. It is understandable that the mother would not want to harm the father for the sake of the child (having a relationship and knowing her father is there for the child is very important) and that would be difficult to do if he was not even in the US or "illegal" in the US. A lot of people can't understand being supportive of an ex. I mean most of America is filled with divorcees and children who parents are not together and a lot of exes do try to harm each other out of spite (forgetting about whats best for child) and thus our courts have to decide our personal issues. Isn't that sad for the USA.

Whatever is the case here, Cynic, I think that this woman is a wise woman for making that decision. Now her child can have her father (like she deserve) even if the marriage didn't work like a high rate of marriages don't here in the USA.

Dig a little deeper in the information provide by IMMIGRATION and see if it is best for another person to sponsor so that you and she can have a successful marriage without so much trouble about a marriage that didnt work out. I hope it works out for you.
there is no wait for you to be petitioned by your girlfriend/future spouse, the wait is for ppl who got their permanent residency thru a marriage and is now divorcing the person who originally petitioned them and is marrying someone else who they are then going to sponsor. it does not apply to you.

good luck on your marriage but there is a chance that your relationship and application will be scrutinized a lot.
With slightly different situation, I'm the foreigner, both my ex n current husbands are US citizens. I got married the 2nd time only 1.5 months after my divorce. We got interviewed seperately, and she asked me to explain the reason. I was very worried about that, I knew that was surely a red flag. But after I explained the whole situation, the truth, then everything was ok, n we got approved.

I was gonna say for u to tell the truth (for your second marriage AOS), but in your situation, that might affect your baby father PR's status (they might revoke it). Make sure you plan what u're gonna say carefully.