WHY only 200 ?


Registered Users (C)
WHY only 200 ?
Only 200 people signed the lawsuit support petition. What happened to rest of people ? Why is every one scared to say that they approve Rajiv Khanna to represent all the I485 applicants in the lawsuit ? Please don't feel lazy and don't feel scared of little things. BCIS is not going to chase you just because you have signed there. By signing the petition, you are going to chase BCIS to act. Please sign the petition NOW.

click here to sign the petition :

I agree, everyone must not fear. It's time to show you support. There is no free lunch. Also may be we need better advertisement?
I suggest, every one of us mail to our friends, and posting on other website/forum the link to sign!
It is sad, isn't it?

I see so many posts where people always talk about taking actions or doing something, and when it finally comes down to it, everyone is scared of taking the next step. Feels like lot of hypocrites are in this forum.
I don't know about others

but the reason I haven't signed the petition is because I don't want to be part of a herd of lemmings led by a Pied Piper (well, maybe I'm mixing my metaphors here). I have seriously contemplated filing a mandamus myself so obviously it's not fear. Its just that I hate this safety in numbers, being part of a nameless faceless crowd mentality.
Re: I don't know about others

You can still show your support though. I am sure you have enjoyed reading in this forum...

Originally posted by norfesept01
but the reason I haven't signed the petition is because I don't want to be part of a herd of lemmings led by a Pied Piper (well, maybe I'm mixing my metaphors here). I have seriously contemplated filing a mandamus myself so obviously it's not fear. Its just that I hate this safety in numbers, being part of a nameless faceless crowd mentality.
I did not sign at first because I was a little concerned about disclosing these personal info like full address, A number and phone number. But now I think I should trust Mr. Raj for doing all these things for us and then gave my signature. Please join us everybody if you want your free day to come early. No one will be punished just for showing your feeling and everybody's voice should be heard by the government. Let's rock the immigration system by our rally.
same as zm38, I finally signed the signature,
however, why so many information are needed for the lawsuit ? and the lawsuit is really useful? as I know in the first round signature,
there are more than 2000 persons signed the support petition.... what is the result
of the lawsuit which has been submitted...
For me, I am not sure why so much personal information is needed. Giving all about my case and all about myself is more scary in the age of Identity Theft.

I want to be a part of it, but definetly in a different way where its more secure.

Confused....any advices.
In order to be a part of the class, they have to have the information to contact you and to determine if you are eligible to be in the class.

They need your A number so that they can determine if you are eligilble in the class. The judge won't accept a person who does not have a 485 pending as a member of the class action law suit for 485 backlogs. They only way they can determine is by the A number or receipt number.

Phone numbers and addresses are required because they should have a way to contact you if needed. I am sure that most people have not been a part of a class action law suite so these detailed information can be confusing, but trust me Rajiv and/or USCIS will never give the personal information of the members of the class to anyone, doing so will bring serious consequences to them.

Do not worry, if you are worried that USCIS will slow your case down becuase you have a law suite against them or something like that then again upon discovery they will have to face serious consequences.

j54231, so what if this is their country, that doesn't mean they have the right to do anything they want. Are you telling me that they have the right to come to your home in the night and detain you without a good reason because you are not US citizen?
guju, I'm just saying there is no regulations to control their process. How do you know if they treat your file differently just because you're suing against them? You'll never know. If they want, they can just leave your file there for another couple of years and they always have excuse for not touching it. I respect your courage and effort but I just doubt how helpful it is.
I know there are people think this way like you do. But if it wastrue, I would rather go back where I came from. US is not what you want. But I DON'T think that could happen, because there are already hundreds signed. Anything this big, there is no way to hide.
On the other hand, the benefit can be substantial. USCIS may, like before, offer to settle with the plaintiffs, and get their case done. If you don't sign, you are not "plaintiff" and may not benefit.

Originally posted by j54231
guju, I'm just saying there is no regulations to control their process. How do you know if they treat your file differently just because you're suing against them? You'll never know. If they want, they can just leave your file there for another couple of years and they always have excuse for not touching it. I respect your courage and effort but I just doubt how helpful it is.
The detail informations are needed becuase you are represented by Rajiv in the court. he needs to know who you are. We are receiving free legal service man. I am not afraid of identity theft, becuase I don't even know for how long I can keep my identity, if this backlog keeps getting worse.
Don't worry about identity theft here. You are not giving your SSN and date of birth. Also , only your name is being displayed in the list.
One more thing : Don't be pessimistic about lawsuit. Support it and be hopeful. We can't predict the result, we can only fight. There is nothing worse than not fighting the injustice. We have definitely seen some improvement in processing speed after the lawsuit is filed.
I am a plaintiff...

...in the lawsuit. While Rajiv knows all the details about me, he never released it. He has been professional throughout, he will treat your private info respectfully! Yes, you need not worry, only your name will appear in public. Rajiv has his name and career at stake here if he ever misuse your private information.

j54321, and neversay... Yes, you are right that we don't know how the lawsuit will turn out. However, what do you have to lose anyways? All you lose is only 1-2 minutes filling in the form, that's it!!! Don't worry, no one will make your life difficult for filing petition, lawsuit, etc. One, it is our right to do so! Our freedom of speech is guaranteed by the US constitution. Secondly, it is illegal for anyone to discriminate your case, just because you participate in these things. I am a living proof here. My case was approved about 3 weeks or so after the lawsuit was filed. My name is explicitly stated in the lawsuit, and I have been signing the petitions, writing to the capitol, etc.

Well guys, I cannot force you to do things one way or the other. My advice is just do what you think is right!
More than 400 now, this is better but not good enough.

I hope people are not being scared to provide their private information.

If we get scared that USCIS might screw us if we take part in the law suite then it is really sad. Nothing great has ever been achieved without taking any risks. We cannot expect to get over hurdles by sitting in the corner and by not being heard.

Do you think if US had gotten its independence if none of the leaders took any steps in the fear of being prosecuted? Do you think India would have gotten its independence if there was no Gandhi to put his life at stake?

Granted this is a very very small struggle compared to these great fights, but the concept still applies, you will not get justice if you are all big words and back out when time comes. There is no use in thinking and discussing what USCIS should do or praying that your 485 gets approved if you are not going to take any steps to make that happen. This is very sad especially for Indians because we have a tendency to just sit and wait for things to happen without taking any chances.

To all the sceptics out there who don't think the lawsuit will help, please remember that a lawsuit is NOT like a petition that can be thrown in the dustbin without being read!

A lawsuit implies implicitly that a judge will sit down and actually make a decision in the case.

The reason this is so different from the various petitions that you have signed is because, once you register, you will become a part of the class action, and not only are you helping in throwing open the case to cover a wider range of people, but also helping yourself since INS wants to get the trouble makers out of the system asap since the others don't seem to mind waiting.

REMEMBER: The squeaky wheel gets the oil!
Who should be the participant?

Went through the forum, still couldn't find whether the people who just filed their I-140 and I-485 are recommended to anticipate the petition.

Would it help the case if they do? Or USCIS might just think we are trying to make big noises instead of making strong cases by getting more people who are apparently not qualified "backlog case" from their eyes.

Anyone who has a 485 application pending can join the class action. Infact people joining the queue now have more cause to do so, just because they are way back in a backlog which is growing every day that it is not reduced.
If only about 360 people signed the petition, CIS will interpret that those 360 people are concerned about the backlog and others can wait for even decades, If you don't say that you have a problem it will be interpreted that only 360 people are not satisfied with the service provided by CIS and the remaining about 300 or 400 thousand EB based GC applicants out of 1.3 million GC applicants are happy. So 99.9999999999% of the applicants are happy and CIS is obligated to satisfy only the unhappy customers.