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why immigration to US ?


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The rule says that immigration is the movement of people to another place for the reason of searching about better place to live.

Millions of people have immigrated from their homeland to other places in the world in order to look for work, safe place, better life conditions. so we can understand Africans or Asians or east Europeans can immigrate to US or the developed world (France, UK Scandinavia, Australia ). However I have noticed in this forum, some people citizen of countries that are considered to be developed, are dreaming to immigrate to USA and are applying for DV lottery. how can we explain that the american dream can gather all the world with no exception !?
the DV lottery is for everyone and if someone doesn't feel ok in his own place of living he can dream and wish for a better life in america or any other land just as everyone else, regardless of where that place could be, developed or not. America welcomes everyone :)
So which countries are you talking about?? Theoretically you cant get more developed countries than Western Europe and Scandinavia, especially Scandinavia, rich Arabian countries are still developing.

We are from UK ourselves, the bottom line is that for our professions there is larger pool of work and better pay in USA and even if we got our pay equivalent in US dollars to our pounds, we could lead a slightly better life-style due to the fact that your property prices are much much cheaper, fuel, cars... If you are a young driver you dont have to pay insurance worth 3 times of the car just for 1 year and sometimes it can even be up to x10 times.

We have great social security, our NHS is "free" I mean we do have to pay it out of our income with no choice, but at the end of the day no one will ask you for a credit card in the hospital or at GP`s. Problem is that, if you are not on death-bed they dont do anything and many are forced to buy private insurances.

UK social security is so great that some unemployed immigrant families that dont speak english but have 10 kids live in central London next to richest people in the UK or maybe the world, with houses in the neighborhood going for about 20-30m pounds, great if you are a benefitter, bad if you have to pay for this, while working full time and living in some tiny house on the edge of London.

Our public transport prices are ridiculous, we have to pay nearly 30 pounds a week for a bus pass that goes 10 miles outside of the city... Still seen as a good value since single cost around 5.40. Still not as bad as dishing out 30 euros in low end Pub in Sweden for a Pint and small meal for 1.

The whole atmosphere is very depressing, the houses in UK are ugly and all grey "to preserve character" coupled with fog,rain and drizzle gives a truly great atmosphere. No wonder so many UK expats in Spain just leaving uk to actually get some cheeriness in their life. Every time we can, we always book a holiday to the Mediterranean or somewhere else sunny to get away from this "character" at first we thought we were the only ones, but pretty much every hotel we went was full of Britons or Germans.

Overall the reason we are looking to go to the USA is just because we are not English born and its just hard to live here and deal with the English way of life, we see it as degrading and depressing, true fact is that we dont know whether USA will be even worse because it will probably take 5 years to understand, but maybe once we understand that USA is bad place to live we will come back to Europe with big smiles on our faces.

Another reason we dont mind going to the usa is that we are experienced Immigrants who pretty much dont have a "home" we have nothing to loose. If I could go back 10 years when we moved to UK, I wouldnt do it. But now, no more damage can be done to us, so why not explore something in this life, while its not too late? ;) We never applied for GC to win, it was our first time and just for a bit of fun, now that we got this opportunity it would be wrong not to take it and end up living in regrets.
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the DV lottery is for everyone and if someone doesn't feel ok in his own place of living he can dream and wish for a better life in america or any other land just as everyone else, regardless of where that place could be, developed or not. America welcomes everyone :)

I wouldnt be so naive as to say that "America welcomes everyone" I dont think any country welcomes anyone this days... no matter where you go it will be hard.
Another reason we dont mind going to the usa is that we are experienced Immigrants who pretty much dont have a "home" we have nothing to loose. If I could go back 10 years when we moved to UK, I wouldnt do it. But now, no more damage can be done to us, so why not explore something in this life, while its not too late? ;)

So you are doing it "for the heck of it" as Americans would say. I guess that's as good reason as any. But you are in for a surprise. The way of life in US has nothing to do with the good old Europe. Some people like it just the way it is, some people can't get used to it.

For a side note, if you are letting economy dictate your choices, economy here is not all that great either. So heads up. In UK at least they take care of you in your deathbed :)
I wouldnt be so naive as to say that "America welcomes everyone" I dont think any country welcomes anyone this days... no matter where you go it will be hard.

I meant about the program, I know that some people are not very welcoming there. not just there but anywhere. but usa is the only country that gives chance to people from all over the world to live in it through a program like this and with regards to the fact that the most people decide to immigrate there and a large number does it successively, I could say that it welcomes people from all over the world. cause so many countries for example don't even want to hear about others as if they're special or something.
So you are doing it "for the heck of it" as Americans would say. I guess that's as good reason as any. But you are in for a surprise. The way of life in US has nothing to do with the good old Europe. Some people like it just the way it is, some people can't get used to it.

For a side note, if you are letting economy dictate your choices, economy here is not all that great either. So heads up. In UK at least they take care of you in your deathbed :)

Well I am glad that life in USA is nothing like Europe, that is probably the main reason we are willing to try it, I cant see myself living in UK for another 20 odd years till pension the way it is... Failure in the USA might change our attitudes allowing us to live in peace :D

Us Soviet bunch, dont have a home, we have been bought up in a society that no longer exists, and modern Russia seems much more hostile than the USA, however if you are willing to get your hands dirty, you will reach un-imaginable heights in Russia of which top US bankers would only dream of.

Yeah, we are doing totally for the heck of it.
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I meant about the program, I know that some people are not very welcoming there. not just there but anywhere. but usa is the only country that gives chance to people from all over the world to live in it through a program like this and with regards to the fact that the most people decide to immigrate there and a large number does it successively, I could say that it welcomes people from all over the world. cause so many countries for example don't even want to hear about others as if they're special or something.

USA isnt the only country that does this green card sort of thing... If I remember rightly Canada did or does it too... Its just due to online scams green card got so well known unfortunately...

European Union is pretty much one big "green card" because most members have freedom to travel and work in any EU state indefinitely, even so, many fail in finding jobs and only very few get high ranking jobs... most are stuck in "service" sector...
I have lived both in Europe and USA, and I can say life in UK for example is depressing, it is small country with small houses and everything is scares, i remember i have lived with house family that was very very greedy, not like US a wide huge country that u can live the 4 seasons in one country, it cold now in NYC but it is great weather now in Miamior Phonix.

Can we say that US is the top country that an immigrant dream to go ?
Can we say that US is the top country that an immigrant dream to go ?

If you look at numbers probably is, but that is due to publicity, however I wonder about their opinions after living in the states for couple years...

I guess UK is pretty high as well in immigrants dream, pretty much most of Asia, Arabia, Eastern Europe all want to be here. A lot of rich people come to London from all over the world to live, if you come to London you will encounter few hotels with parks full of bugatti veyrons and rolls Royce with Arab number-plates. A sight that is very rare in the states.

Many Americans wish to live in UK, some for social security ideology others for heritage and traditions.. I remember watching a documentary about posh Claridges hotel in London and how 1 American businessman was commenting how much he loves the traditions that are present within the UK and that he suffers greatly that USA has none of that and is just purely about money, some people love to live in church conversion house from 1500`s.. Cant get that in the states. To me personally these things are annoying, I dont like class society with weird traditions and houses with wooden "beams" and single glazed windows because double isnt allowed because its a heritage building even though its YOUR own house.

I think UK can wrestle USA for top immigration spot....
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we cant compare UK and USA, where can u spend ur holiday in UK ?

Florida is just the best place in this world
Well I am glad that life in USA is nothing like Europe, that is probably the main reason we are willing to try it,

got it.

I cant see myself living in UK for another 20 odd years till pension the way it is... Failure in the USA might change our attitudes allowing us to live in peace :D

At least you'll have a pension :D

Us Soviet bunch, dont have a home, we have been bought up in a society that no longer exists, and modern Russia seems much more hostile than the USA, however if you are willing to get your hands dirty, you will reach un-imaginable heights in Russia of which top US bankers would only dream of.

Yeah, we are doing totally for the heck of it.

Yeah I understand your feelings well, although I'm not from former Soviet countries I am too familiar with the similar feelings and situations.
Why the US?

I come from 'Eastern Europe' (or the old Eastern Block, if you wish), which is curturally more like Central Europe, but the standard of living is really like Eastern Europe, although it improved somewhat in the past 20 years, it's now reversing, and many has lost hope that we can ever reach the West, which many dreamed of in the 1990s.
I guess I could go to Western Europe, but in any case, I will always be an outsider, the only foreign language I speak is English, so it would be only the UK or Ireland. Although I don't mind the climate (maybe having lived there a couple of years, I would get to hate it), and I loved England as a tourist, the culture, everything, I can't really see myself blending in the English lifestyle.
I come from a small country, where you cannot drive for 2 hours without hitting a border, England would be the same.
I want something different, I want more space.
And in the US, after all, everybody is an immigrant, or a descendant of an immigrant (except for the indians, of course).
Not to speak about the lower taxes (we have 27% sales tax now), lower cost of fuel (more freedom), I love American cars, also American sports, maybe I am a bit shallow, but growing up in communism, any material wealth was just a dream, yeah consumerism is the luxury problem of the developed world, try to explain that to someone form the third world (to what my country is turning into unfortunately, dispite its great heritage), who don't have nothing, they would like to live with such problems.
Just my rumblings...
I come from a small country, where you cannot drive for 2 hours without hitting a border, England would be the same.
I want something different, I want more space.
Space, you will have my friend :D Drive 2 hours and you won't even get out of the state you are in :)

And in the US, after all, everybody is an immigrant, or a descendant of an immigrant (except for the indians, of course).

Don't count on that too much. Granted, US is much more welcoming to the immigrants than any other country, but whenever the economy goes bad, some people start to complain and the first thing they complain is how immigrants (legal or otherwise) take their jobs, etc. It is total nonsense, but some are willing to believe it, and it doesn't help to remind them that their ancestors were immigrants too :)
USA isnt the only country that does this green card sort of thing... If I remember rightly Canada did or does it too... Its just due to online scams green card got so well known unfortunately...

European Union is pretty much one big "green card" because most members have freedom to travel and work in any EU state indefinitely, even so, many fail in finding jobs and only very few get high ranking jobs... most are stuck in "service" sector...

but not us macedonians or others not belonging in EU yet (like we're located in africa or something) so as i say we are in europe but are more welcome in usa or australia. anyway let's just leave this aside. i don't wanna attack or defend anyone, just saying what I know, or think I know :) however you can correct me and that's it.
Ladzer did you notice that most of your posts in this forum since you registered start by "in the UK this, in the UK that..."?! This is a kind of annoying and arrogant. This is not a forum about immigration to Britain! To tell you the truth I don't care about the currency that you use (kopeks or whatever name it has), the weather or how doctors work in your country.
I don't know if you noticed but no one else here talk about their own country, this is not the purpose of this forum.
Ladzer did you notice that most of your posts in this forum since you registered start by "in the UK this, in the UK that..."?! This is a kind of annoying and arrogant. This is not a forum about immigration to Britain! To tell you the truth I don't care about the currency that you use (kopeks or whatever name it has), the weather or how doctors work in your country.
I don't know if you noticed but no one else here talk about their own country, this is not the purpose of this forum.

So erm explain to me then... How am I supposed to explain my motives about moving to USA without comparing it with the countries I lived in?? If you dont like it, dont read it... others might find some use in it... Everything is understood in comparisons you cant decide whether USA is good unless you compare it with the places you live, I always prefer to back up my points from experience.. I just dont like saying I want to go to USA because it is AWESOME!! Clearly something you would prefer.

By the way, the only times i spoke about UK is in last 2-3 threads, but thank you for spending your time going through my posts :) I hope it was beneficial to you :D

But I have noticed that quite a few people talk about their country though, Just maybe not in AOS threads, which you are clearly more interested... Since you guys are already in USA and dont have to make decisions whether to move. Clearly you are the one being ignorant and arrogant, just because you already in US you dont want to hear or bother with other countries.
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Don't count on that too much. Granted, US is much more welcoming to the immigrants than any other country, but whenever the economy goes bad, some people start to complain and the first thing they complain is how immigrants (legal or otherwise) take their jobs, etc. It is total nonsense, but some are willing to believe it, and it doesn't help to remind them that their ancestors were immigrants too :)

Yeah, I know what you are talking about! :)
Anyhow, since it's all irrational, I shouldn't really debate with them, they have every right to believe whatever they want, it's America after all. :)
And, it's capitalism, if I take a job, because I am better at it, so be it, this is how things work, as long as it's legal, nobody should have anything to do with it.

Ladzer did you notice that most of your posts in this forum since you registered start by "in the UK this, in the UK that..."?! This is a kind of annoying and arrogant. This is not a forum about immigration to Britain! To tell you the truth I don't care about the currency that you use (kopeks or whatever name it has), the weather or how doctors work in your country.
I don't know if you noticed but no one else here talk about their own country, this is not the purpose of this forum.