Why are so less people tracking I-140 (NSC)


Registered Users (C)
I was not sure, about the success rate of approvals of I-140 and also processing time.
Over the past 3-4 months I have been on the I-140 forum, for NSC, I have seen that there are around 30-40 people on average tracking the progress.

I am sure there are many many more applications. I cant guess what there situations, and if they are on a fast track processing mode.

Also I have observed in my close friends, that they have their cases handled by one of the largest attorney chain, and had their I-140 processed in less than a month.
I am not sure how that is possible or it is some selection strategy that some attornies have, to have the success rate high and fast processing. (obsviously 15K+ fee to handle the whole processing is probably worth it).

Any views.
I don't think the attorney makes any difference. My attorney's firm handles the cases for Intel, Motorola etc. but I haven't seen any preferential treatment.