Who Is The Best Immigration Lawyer?

GC FAN 2002

New Member
I want to change my jobs as per AC21 (I-485 application pending for more than 180 days). Who is the best immigration lawyer whom I should give my case to?

Ms.Murthy, Rajiv Khanna, Cyrus Mehta, Shusterman....Who is the best?
Don\'t go by BRAND names , I suggest you try Jim Mills who is quite active on this site and has very

Don\'t go by BRAND names , I suggest you try Jim Mills who is quite active on this site and has very good knowledge abt our problems and immigration requirements

James D. Mills
Attoreny at Law
My 10 cents

If I were you, I will consult a couple of lawyers before coming to any conclusion. It will depend on a couple of issues. Who is your new company lawyer (if you have any)? What area are you from? If
around Baltimore/DC/or, VA-Sheela Murthy/Rajeev Khanna will be my choice. If you are from NY/NJ/MA/or north, there are good lawyers everywhere in the area. Carl Shusterman is an excellent lawyer but his fees are high and he is extremely busy. I do not know if Jim Mills has a lot of experience in these cases or not-but you may speak to him.

I know for sure that if you have a renound lawyer like Carl Shusterman-then INS does not even bother to screen your package too much as they do trust some lawyers like him. Ofcourse, being a regular visitor of this site (like Jim Mills) and answering relevant questions is helpful for everybody-but that should not be the only
driving force. Trust me, I am not an immigration lawyer-but I can answer a lot of questions to you.

Make sure-this new employer hires you in same/similar position as what you were employed as in the labor certification. Salary/or Location should not be a big deal for the time being. Keep your paperwork straight and INS will approve your case.
I have a question .. why can\'t you assign your new companies lawyer?

your new company should have immigration lawyer right .,.. then why do not you hire him or let your new company take care of your remaining GC through their lawyer.. why do you wnat to do on your own???
I live in NJ

Hi All, Thanks all for your answers.

I live in NJ.

The reason I don\'t want my new company\'s lawyers to handle my case is because they don\'t have much experience as fas as immigration matters are concerned. My new company hires people only who are citizens, green card holders or atleast who have EAD. They don\'t sponser H1Bs or Green Cards. So, thats why the lawyers they have don\'t have any experience as far as H1B or GC applications are concerned.

Hey Debjyoti, other than Shusterman or Jim Mills, do you know any other lawyer in NJ or NY I can talk to?

Thanks a lot!
Company lawyer...

okay.. even though they are not having much experience.. why do you need a lawyer is just to inform INS that this is your new lawyer and whatever correspondance between you and iNS will be through the new lawyer so that you can get things in time instead of those going to old company.. then i think u can continue with your new companies lawyer.. if a situation appears that you have to apple against INS decession then only you need an experience lawyer right? If everything goes smooth then there is no question of lawyer at all right?

any ways .. let me know your experience and decession as i might have to do the same thing after a while.. :)
I agree with gclucky1 - if your\'s is a straight case....

worse case you\'ll get an RFE for paystubs, employment letter - otherwise you should just get the approval. I would just wait and watch and temporarily nominate your new company attorney.

NY has many attorney and the good one\'s are costly - but your are in the end of the tunnel and don\'t really need one. I am sure many folks in this board have changed jobs after 180 days and someone will get back with a good suggestion. Best of luck.
Similar Job Title Question?

Thanks all for your inputs.

I have a question for you all.

As per INS guidelines for change of jobs after 180 days is concerned,
are the following 2 job titles similar:

1) Analyst/Programmer

2) Sr Systems Developer

Gurus, Please advise.
how did you find this out?

is your currently job title Analyst/ Programmer and new one is going to be Se. System dev.. ??/

how did you find out your current job title?

I had read message from Rajiv Khanna that is\'s very difficult to say what is simillar job and can be treated from case to case.. so i think it should be fine as you are naturally going to get growth over the period of time.. and in case INS asks you can have your lawyer speak for you..
This is a very good and hands on Lawer..

Try Mark Topoleski.. Did my wife\'s case and did a fantastic job..
Very personable and you can call and know every step of the way what is going on....

Mark Topoleski

good immigration lawyer

g c fan 2002,
it will be good to talk to a couple of law firms before deciding about whose services to hire. i am impressed with the impeccable approach of my lawyer. i have seen his cases being approved without getting even a single query - such is his documentation. i do not expect even a single typographical error, and everytime, he arranges for review of the documents by me before he sends those out to the ins. you may like to try www.wmcd.com. talk to mr william j benos or his team.
good luck.
How AC21 Applies to L1 Visa Holders?

Please refere to your this comment: " Make sure-this new employer hires you in same/similar position as what you were employed as in the labor certification. Salary/or Location should not be a big deal for the time being. Keep your paperwork straight and INS will approve your case."

How AC21 Applies to L1 Visa Holders? There is no Labor certification for L1. How one can change the job after 180 days on L1? Can you put some light on it? Thanks. Please reply.
Try Simin Syed in NY.

My company uses three different lawyers, including simin syed in ny.
all cases they have filed so far have been approved without any problems. unlike the other two. send me an email if you need their contact info.