Who is IIO? How can they help?


New Member
Just curious to know who IIO is and how are they related to INS or FBI. Can I call them to find out why I havent recd FP? What is the number to call? Thanks.
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IIO are the uncles of immigrants.
Call Immigration Information Officer (IIO) at 949-831-8427.
When u call them but answers are not promised..Good Luck
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IIOs are (in general) those really mean guys hired by INS that like to make life miserable to all wannabe immigrants. Most of them are quite rude and know almost nothing about their job, other are quite rude and know more than anyone else about their job. A few are normal people that have been working for a while with immigration issues and understand our situation.
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oh, I forgot to mention that IIOs usually will answer that phone number when you call to get answers to decent questions. You will also find them at border crossings, and any time and any place you need to find out any information about anything related to immigration.
It is my experience that IIOs like to use the power they are given to the fullest, enjoying every minute of it, with total disregard to the suffering they are causing innocent people. If they can use their power to interprete the law in a way that is harming you, they will. Many of them like to think of themselves as the gatekeepers of the free world, with their mission in life being to defend their country against alien invaders.