Who gets to decide where the child is Born ??

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Hi ,

Husband wants the child be born in US as this would fetch automatic citizenship to the child

Wife wants the child be born in India as she will have all the love and support from the Family and Friends in India.

In such a scenario, who has the right to decide where the child be born.

My take on it is that it is the right of the Mother as she is the one who gives birth.
Father has no say in it.

Am I correct??

Also is there anyway the child is born in India and still gets US citizenship.

Assume here both wife and husband are GC holders.

Originally posted by pingpong02
Husband wants the child be born in US as this would fetch automatic citizenship to the child

Wife wants the child be born in India as she will have all the love and support from the Family and Friends in India.

Assume here both wife and husband are GC holders.
The law (US or Indian) does not give anyone the unilateral right, this is a private matter in which you have to reach a compromise.
Originally posted by pingpong02 My take on it is that it is the right of the Mother as she is the one who gives birth.
Father has no say in it.
Am I correct??
Not quite, the father has the right to intervene if the mother's decision is detrimental to the child's future.
Originally posted by pingpong02
Also is there anyway the child is born in India and still gets US citizenship.
Same way as you -> H1-GC-Citizenship. There are other ways but none of them is the answer you are looking for. GC holders children are not automatically citizens if they are born outside the U.S.
Originally posted by pingpong02 In such a scenario, who has the right to decide where the child be born.
this is a private matter in which you have to reach a compromise.

Sounds like you are another educated Indian woman who is feeling constricted by a male chauvinistic society.

Well - this is how you can reach a compromise, ask your family to vist for 3-4 months while you have the baby. That way you get the support and your husband gets the little american. Don't be pushed around - put your foot down if your mother-in-law wants to show up, that will only increase your stress.

Legally, if your husband abuses you in any way, you can leave him, keep custody of the children, get half of everything and also the G.C. If you feel threatened, call 911. There are plenty of programs to help abused women.

>>Same way as you -> H1-GC-Citizenship. There are other ways but none of them is the answer you are looking for. GC holders children are not automatically citizens if they are born outside the U.S.

If a child is born in India and their parents are GC holders then the child is automatically entitled to get the GC provided parents bring the child to US within 2 years of birth.

Hope this helps to pingpong.
Thanks!! sam99 for the info. GC for the baby may be the best compromise between Indian Citizen vs US Citizen

If a child is born in India and their parents are GC holders then the child is automatically entitled to get the GC provided parents bring the child to US within 2 years of birth.
I am one husband in a similar situation. My wife and I both decided that the delivery will be in India as all of us wanted.

But when I asked my attorney on this his reply was one sentence which changed my decision at least.

Do you really want your child to undergo all the troubles you had to at the hands of the INS???????

my 2 cents..

Originally posted by pingpong02
Hi ,

Husband wants the child be born in US as this would fetch automatic citizenship to the child

Wife wants the child be born in India as she will have all the love and support from the Family and Friends in India.

In such a scenario, who has the right to decide where the child be born.

My take on it is that it is the right of the Mother as she is the one who gives birth.
Father has no say in it.

Am I correct??

Also is there anyway the child is born in India and still gets US citizenship.

Assume here both wife and husband are GC holders.


Just Bring the people over here who wants to show their love :D:D

You cannot BUY love with money, So leave it:D:D
Think twice!!

It may be VERY important in the view of the child as
to how he/she get the citizenship of the U.S.A.

Make sure that the parents do not take away the rights
of the child being born in the US.

This is even more important when if the furture generations
want to run for president of the United States of America.

So, from my heart, I suggest have the child born in the U.S.
I am thinking of it from a practical perspective. Firstly, the kid gets US citizenship which is what we all are here for. At least there is a possibility of becoming the President! ;-) Then you have to take your pregnant wife on a plane and make her travel adding health risks. Of course you have to buy 2 tickets! But if you have either of your parents come here then they get to see the US. And you can have them here for a while to settle things out in the first few months. If your wife is gonna stay in India for 3 months, you have to be alone for that long!

But of course its up to you!
Also think of what kind of medical help you can get here and in India. I hope it all goes well, but what if there are complications? Here your child will have a much better chance of survival.
Before your child can become the President of USA he needs to be alive and healthy.

pingpong02 asking all these questions just to have fun. These are not his experiences. And you guys are simply answering him. Stop it, will Ya?
Originally posted by GC050102

pingpong02 asking all these questions just to have fun. These are not his experiences. And you guys are simply answering him. Stop it, will Ya?

I said this last week, but still people answer pingpong's queries. He/She must be one of the banned users, who created a new ID and claiming (s)he has never posted b4 !!
Originally posted by roran
I said this last week, but still people answer pingpong's queries. He/She must be one of the banned users, who created a new ID and claiming (s)he has never posted b4 !!

Look at the IP and ban the IP
Re: Re: Think twice!!

Why the parents of the future child (and you) are in the US
and trying so hard to get a GC? This is my logic. The combined
actions of all of you indicate to me that the U.S. is a better
country. (say no if your logic is not clear).

The president of a better country - the United States of America,
is in a better position (and pay, may be) than any position
in India.

People may be proud of India but most of the people here
want to live and work in the U.S.

Get it?

Originally posted by Girish Rajput
So you will take away the right of the child to to run for prime ministership / President in India / country of origin?

Keep your logic clear. You have to sacrifice one thing for the other.

Just my two c's.
Perfect plan

Let her go back to India with the kid. Divorce her and marry an American to get a green card and american kids.
Thanks !! 1amShantanuB for your response

I think your are 100% correct when you say "You cannot BUY love with money".

Thanks !! bbx2 and Girish Rajput for your responses.

I have noted both your arguments.

Thanks!! patienceGC for your first response.

Nothing is more important than health and I totally agree with you when you say

"Then you have to take your pregnant wife on a plane and make her travel adding health risks. "

Thanks!! udacha6 for your reply

You may be right as lately I have heard more normal deliveries in US that in India .. My be seer coincidence ??

GC050102 ,

You are correct. Surely these are not my experiences. If I were so experienced or matured I would not have asked. I am trying to get various opinions for better planning.


you are surely doing a fantastic job as Moderator. keep it up. You are surely tough enough to get convinced so easily.

I hope may be I can convince you one day ??

Hi C D,

I hope your are kidding here. Else I would say there are better things in life than a GC.

Thanks one and all for your postings!!
Originally posted by pingpong02


you are surely doing a fantastic job as Moderator. keep it up. You are surely tough enough to get convinced so easily.

I hope may be I can convince you one day ??

it is sure tough to shoo away certain people from this forum. As long as there is no abusive language involved i am fine. But try to limit your posts. It will be lot nicer to have just one thread with all your questions.
I am beginning to think that this pingpong might actually be some
Lawyer who is using this forum for getting expert legal advise.
You all know very well that we (the regular forum members) know more about most of the legel issues than an average lawyer :p

On the serious note, i doubt if pingpong is a banned user because he/she seems so naive. He/She seem to have just seen this exciting forum. But i still wonder how come she come up with so many questions on every day. May be he/she is actually a mediocore lawyer.
Does anyone care what you begining to think ? I care when you have to come to end to think. It is none of your damn business to know as to who pingpong or dingdong is. No one has asked for you for your stupid analysis.

Don't you gus have any meaningful thing to do other than watching who is banned , who is in and who is out.......when will u give up this childish and foolish behavior and behave like a grown up man ?

I am just bursting your balls.....that's all.
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