Who ever received emails from USCIS.....

RFE sent: got e-mails 9.00pm EST same day( as per time written in e-mail)
RFE recvd: e-mails 7.00AM EST next day!
Fundamental Question

How are u guys getting these emails in the first place? How does CIS knows ur email addresses (online registration? special registration? 485 Application?) and where did you specify, if at all, that you prefer to be contacted by email.


peace_of_mind said:
Can you guys post at around what time of the day, you received emails from USCIS.
As usual there is no traceable pattern left by USCIS in this also!!! :confused:
What are you trying to conclude?
I second Atlantabhopali's question: I did not specify an email address in my application for I-485 (ND 1/9/2003). Were the people that received email requested to provide an email address? did the attorney provide it?
If anybody could shed some light on it, that would be great,

GRCA-2002 said:
What are you trying to conclude?
Good Question!!
There is a very good subject in Physics..., Universality in Chaos
I do not know whether others experienced/agree or not..., The universally starting point for a chaotic life...., ..... is the wait for GC...

Thanks for the info. Based on that I understand that they are monitoring the web-site and not only posting info, otherwise, I have no other explenation.

Thanks again,
peace_of_mind said:
Good Question!!
There is a very good subject in Physics..., Universality in Chaos
I do not know whether others experienced/agree or not..., The universally starting point for a chaotic life...., ..... is the wait for GC...
Well, if you continue the research and come up with a theory, you may get a Nobel prize. The main advantage of that will be, you will get honorary citizenship. That may be the only way to expedite the procedure and get "peace of mind"
flamboyant said:
Go to cis website and create acct - http://www.immigration.com/frame/BCIScasestatonlinefr.html

- Flam

Thanks for the info Flam. Just to be sure, is this facility for "any applicant" who wants to get status through email or is limited to only certain applicants like ones from countries requiring special registration?

Any downsides of registering with CIS's email system?

Please let me know. Thx.

atlantabhopali said:
Thanks for the info Flam. Just to be sure, is this facility for "any applicant" who wants to get status through email or is limited to only certain applicants like ones from countries requiring special registration?

Any downsides of registering with CIS's email system?

Please let me know. Thx.

Any individual who has a pending application (that can be electronically inquired) can register. Also, an applicant’s representatives (such as lawyers, employers) can register to monitor case status. However, illegal use (inquiring about unconnected cases) is subject to prosecution.....
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Here is my email header , looks like it was sent at 11 am

From : USCIS-CSSO <USCIS-CSSO@usdoj.gov>
Sent : Monday, April 26, 2004 11:00 AM
To : xxxxxx
Subject : Case Status Information for Receipt Number: LIN02229XXXXX

MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: from wdcsun1.usdoj.gov ([]) by mc1-f20.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.6824); Mon, 26 Apr 2004 07:59:11 -0700
Received: from inswebegov10 (localhost []) by wdcsun1.usdoj.gov (iPlanet Messaging Server 5.2 HotFix 1.21 (built Sep 8 2003)) with ESMTP id <0HWS00L209LX41@wdcsun1.usdoj.gov> for xxxxx@hotmail.com; Mon, 26 Apr 2004 10:58:50 -0400 (EDT)
X-Message-Info: JGTYoYF78jE9x0tNF55drSFaBghAzm02
Message-id: <24049236.1082991615906.JavaMail.resinrun@inswebegov10>
Return-Path: USCIS-CSSO@usdoj.gov
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Apr 2004 14:59:11.0931 (UTC) FILETIME=[08B858B0:01C42B9F]
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GRCA-2002 said:
Well, if you continue the research and come up with a theory, you may get a Nobel prize. The main advantage of that will be, you will get honorary citizenship. That may be the only way to expedite the procedure and get "peace of mind"

I wish your words come true the earliest....
peace of mind:
At least the apparent thing is that the system updates every hour.
I guess no point checking every 5 minutes! :D
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