which is better


Registered Users (C)
Dear forum members, please advise me in this matter. My employer has been filing from Philadelphia and Harrisburg ( yes, for each applicant) in recent times. He has obtained some GCs successfully from both the places ( as far as I know). But, yesterday he told me that he cannot continue doing this with me as now,it seems, there is concern over the head office not being in the state of filing. His office is in Boston and I think he has been maintaning an address in Philadelphia for 4 to 5 years now. So he would be starting the procedure from Massachusetts.

1. How far is he correct in this change of plan. He says he is being pro-active for the up-coming ruling on the 'head office' or 'forum shopping' issue.

2. What is the realistic time line I am looking at if I have to file from Massachusetts in RIR, EB2 by , say, end of April 2004.

3. Is RIR ( for IT people) a good/bad idea in Massachusetts ?

highly appreciate your help.

you can reply to me at nagarjuna90@yahoo.com if you wish so.
