Which form to use - FOIA or Privacy Act


Registered Users (C)
Sorry for this newbie question. I'm trying to get my FOIPA request done. On FBI website, there are two related forms. One is FOIA, another is Privacy Act Request. It seems I can use either of them. At the end of FOIA form, it says "This form cannot be used for Privacy Act Requests...." but it can be used for "An individual seeking information for personal use". Please advise me which form I should use. Thanks!

Use the privacy act form

I think if you are doing a FOIA/FOIPA request about yourself (related to FBI name check or something similar), you should do a privacy act request.

The other foia request seems to be for getting information about businesses or organizations (instructions here: http://foia.fbi.gov/foia_instruc.htm)

This is just my 2 cents, as I submitted the request myself a couple of days back. Someone else who has received response from FBI might be a better authority on this.