Where to send application


Registered Users (C)
I am ready to send in my N-400 aplication. I am a resident of Chicago, IL. Just want to make sure i am sending it to the right place.

According to the the uscis website, i need to send my applicaiton to

USINS Nebraska Service Center
Attention N-400 Unit
P.O. Box 87400
Lincoln, NE 68501-7400

But, i've heard from some people that they sent it to this address and their application was sent back saying they needed to send it to the Chicago office. No one could tell me the exact address.

Please help.
Hello there,

You are right, that is the exact address you send it to. You have to send it to the Service Center first. The Chicago Office is the District Office which handles stuff further into your time but from now on send it to Nebraska .. also I personally would recommend that you send it Certified with Return Mail Reciept.
Welcome to the N-400 Family and good luck to your journey. Keep us updated how everything goes.

Ladybuggy ! :D
As LadyBuggy mentioned, send it to Lincoln, NB address. They'll take care of sending application to Chicago DO office.

While a resident of Chicagoland area, I submitted mine to Lincoln, NB address, and it's all good.