Where on check is the receipt #? Filing through Honolulu...


Registered Users (C)
Hi All,

I am somewhat new, but been lurking for a long time. I'm applying through Honolulu, so I hope I can add some info on timelines since I haven't found anything relevant so far for this office.

I mailed my application on 6/30/07 to CSC, it was received on 7/5/07 and came back to me on 7/13/047 (Yeah, Friday 13th) because I missed a page on the form. Duh me! I resent the package the same day with the missing page and it was received the second time on 7/16/07. The check was just cashed yesterday 7/23/07 and I already have a copy of the cashed check.

My question is and please my apologies if this has been answered before, but I couldn't find the answer.... where on the check is the "receipt number" I know it should be 13 digits, but there are several series of numbers. And my second question, how soon after the check is cashed can I check online for status? (I know this might take a few more days)

Thanks agains for all your help, directly or indirectly through everyone's posts.
Where to find check info!

hi celg!

Ok. You are WSC*00 for the first six digits. The other seven digits are scribbled in the front of the check. I just literally this morning was able to register my receipt number based on this on the USCIS website. Ignore all the info on the back. It took me 14 days from check cashing to see the web update. I hope this helps!

Best Wishes,
Oh my! You are such a wealth of information. I'm sure you have heard this many times and I appreciate your quick response. Me being pregnant and with a toddler on my lap doesn't help my search skills. Thanks again, or Mahalo as we say here :)
Register? No, I didn't. You know I thought it was as simple as entering the numbers, click on check status and voila. I forgot we were dealing with immigration stuff.

How does one register and what info do you actually get one you are able to view the status of your case anyway? I'm just overly excited that the check got cashed after having a sleepless night thinking that my package was going to get returned again ;)