Where is everybody!!


Registered Users (C)
Guys, where is every one? We see some stupid change on BCIS website one day and jump on it with 50+ messages followed by no messages at all for the next few days. I know nobody has anything to post but don't let the board die just because there is no action at BCIS.

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We aim to please....

Just so your angst is mollified, I started a new thread a few minutes ago on discrepancies in NDs.

Even though nobody here appears to have anything meaningful to contribute, we can atleast have some intellectual mast*rb*tion!:eek:
well, its really depressing with nothing happening at NSC. Even when they had stopped processing for a while last year end, (when INS became BCIS and part of DHS), the stoppage was only for about a month and a half or so.

I think this slowdown we are seeing is unprecedented. From June end / Jluy, there has been non progress at all. This is crazy.
reason for delay

I think BCIS is wantedly doing delay to create more business for BCIS (by forcing people to apply 2/3/4 EAD&AP) and attorneys in united states to improve economy.

dunno about everybody but

dunno about everybody but I am in a depressed mood. I understand your question - We need to keep this board active. I rush to the computer as soon as I get home to check online status, this board and rupnet since we are not supposed to access from work. Life's practically on hold (that's why the login name is lifeonhold)......no security.....a never ending wait........i have been trying to see the positive side like the now people are not even getting labor certification approved because of the economy.....but still, i want to see that approved message which just does not come......

we talk about how we need to not worry about this so much....enjoy daily life......just does not work out......even if i take a vacation it might distract me but this is always lurking in mind :( the current job scene just does not give any security.....

My sympathies are with people who filed in aug/sept 2001 and are still waiting........in fact with all of us who are in the wait

hopefully BCIS will pick up speed .....keep the board active guys !!!!
Folks are not getting their labor certifications these days ? wow man, thats bad.

Man, I have to excercise so much self control to stay civil and not vent out against these so called "decision makers" in power.