where do i send ead renewal? to po. box or to lower welden st? VT

i already did..

it says there to apply "at the local INS office over your residence" i'm in NY...anybody who sent ead renewal, i just need where to send my application.
Re: i already did..

1) In case your local INS accepts your EAD application then you can send it to them, call them or visit them and find out.

2) If they don't then send it to Vermont INS Service Center.

If you don't have time to do 1) above then send it to VSC, to be on a safer side, don't want the local INS sending you back the 'packet' with a love note asking you to send it to VSC.


Originally posted by netski
it says there to apply "at the local INS office over your residence" i'm in NY...anybody who sent ead renewal, i just need where to send my application.