When will NSC pick up?

Marc Lavoie

Registered Users (C)

It looks like NSC will take at least 2 full months to approve July/2001 RDs.
You guys that have been following this process for over a year, does it happen sometimes that they would speed up for specific months of the year? Like let's say approving 2 RD months in one month period?

Please post your experiences/thoughts

Marc L.
NSC is taking longer,

they are slowing down, Before 9/11 they were shooting for 9
months turn around time and AC21 is what they tried to implemented. Now everything is different INS is in chaos.
They (immigration-law.com) have posted the date of 01/24/01...

What is going on, why is this chaos? Why is NSC Regressing? Is there any responsibility here?
