when will freeze be over ?


New Member
Question One : When will the "freeze" be over?
>Answer : It appears that, at least for I-485 (Adjustment of Status) cases,
>there has been a thawing of the "freeze." As we reported December 20, 2002
>in our article, "Update on Processing Delays"
><http://www.murthy.com/ukupdat2.html >, the INS states that they have
>nearly completed their upgrade of the computer background check systems.
>This will allow them to obtain the needed feedback. They stated that they
>are currently able to obtain the needed information, but that the "freeze"
>has created a backlog.
>EDITORIAL COMMENTS : In tracking our own I-485 cases, we received what we
>believe to be the first "post-freeze" approval. The Law Office of Sheela
>Murthy received an I-485 approval from the Vermont Service Center (VSC)
>last week. The case, filed November 30, 2001, was approved December 16,
>2002. The notice arrived a few days after the approval. Prior to the
>receipt of this notice, our Office experienced a three-week break in
>approval notices. Given our caseload, this three-week hiatus was unusual
>and attributable to the "freeze." We will continue to track these matters.