When the heck is INS implementing the new law ?


Registered Users (C)
It\'s been nearly 6 months. And the great INS still doesn\'t know how to implement
the new law.....what\'s there so complicated in it to break their heads over it ?
Why can\'t they simply implement it as it is written ? They have to mull over it
for months and months...and at the end I am sure they will simply implement what
is written in it.

I am not effected by it, but just showing how pathetic INS is....
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Stupid INS. Can\'t implement a law that was enacted 6 months back ???
That\'s a laughable matter.
Infact, lawmakers take INS input before writing it. I guess they were snoozing
at that time.
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No corporation will lobby for this to be implemented at current market trend.
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Nobody needs to lobby for this. It\'s not in the hands of congress.
It\'s already written and signed into law.
It\'s just the matter of translating from law to implementation.
And the dumb INS doesn\'t get it, even after 6 months.
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Some one need to put pressure in INS. Normally the corporations, if they need they will do it. But currently they all wondering how to restructure themselves!!.