When does my F-1 Status expire?


New Member
Hello everyone,
I have one simple question -

First, let's make the clarification that I graduated in May 2012, and right now I'm still on F-1 status by doing Post-Completion Optional Practical Training (OPT). I have the following problem:

My International Student Advisor issued me a new I-20 last year in May 2012.
The new I-20 is for Post Completion OPT.
The new I-20 is for Student Employment Authorization.
Employment Status: Full-Time; Type: OPT
Duration of Employment - From (Date): 07 / 12 / 2012 To (Date): 07 / 11 / 2013

Then, in August 2012, I received my Employment Authorization Document (EAD card), which was issued by the USCIS.
My EAD card is valid From: 07 / 26 / 2012
My EAD card Expires: 07 / 13 / 2013

Now, my question is when my F-1 Status expires?
And when my 60-days Grace Period expires - September 9, 2013 or September 11, 2013?

And if I travel on September 11, 2013, when will I have departed the USA - here at the local airport in a small state, or at the airport in Los Angeles?
Also, if the time when I depart the USA in Los Angeles is 22:30 p.m. on September 11, but at the same time, it is 01:30 a.m. according to the Eastern Time in Washington, DC, then on which date will I have departed the USA - on September 11 or September 12?

Thank you very much for the answers on my questions!