whatthehell approved


Registered Users (C)
Friends, finally my ordeal is over. It\'s been a long frustrating 5 yrs.
since the day one I started my GC. I was so frustrated and I stopped
posting any further info. as I don\'t have anything new to share after
my RFE was received by INS back in July 11th. Over the last few weeks
I even stopped checking the AVM. But today, with no hope, I checked
the AVM and was totally surprised by the magic word. Me and my family
all got approved. Here is my details:

PD: 3/97
RD/ND: Sept. 28, 1999
FP: Aug. 2000
RFE Mailed: June 25th, 2001
RFE Received by INS: July 11th, 2001.
Approved: 8/22/2001.

I believe most of my fellow posters from IGATE like Phil, vsc9909, onhold, ohgod, akashganga and others would have already got their approval. Good Luck everyone. What a big relief. I have been telling to myself that I am
a Green Card Holder and my wishes are always with you all and just hang
on - You all will get to this soon. All the best.

whatthehell, congratulations. I am very happy for you. Your
suggestions always gave a big moral support for me and I wish
you and your family the best. Good luck buddy.
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Hi Whatthehell,
   CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am really happy to know your approval. Thanks for all your help.

    Enjoy your life now. There are a few more people left in our (company name change) group. Hope theirs also cleared soon.

    Wish you good luck.

Hi Sam and Mogaram, thank you both. I think you are right. It looks like there is not much company name change cases left out. Thank you both for all your support. I will keep this board updated as and when I do my Passport stamping. Good Luck.

Thank you all. My prayers are always with you and others who are waiting for their approval. I am sure you all will get yours soon.
Good Luck.
Nice to see old timers getting approvals

 Congratulations !!. It is really nice to see a lot of old timers getting the approval (including my self 5+ Yrs with IGATE). Good luck and enjoy your freedom.
hey whatthehell..congrats!!!

congratulations..on this new freedom...thank god!..what abt phil,akashganga etc...??any idea??

feel very happy all company name change case...are getting finally approved without any more..RFE\'s and delays..
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congrats whatthehell. Your was one approval I was looking for quite some time. Finally you are throgh. By the way I stamped my passports already.
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whatthehell, Congratulations. Enjoy ur hard earned freedom. You can breath fresh air now. Thanx for all your posts and sharing your details with us. Cheers.
Thank you

Thank you all. I received my approval notice (courtesy copy) yesterday (8/27). I will be going for my stamping on this Thursday. I will keep you all update. Good Luck to everyone.