What's the word on the backlog reduction?


Registered Users (C)

I was wondering if anybody knows when or if the backlog reduction will go into effect. How can I tell if my file is one of the LC files that's going to go to the baclog reduction center.

toro45 said:

I was wondering if anybody knows when or if the backlog reduction will go into effect. How can I tell if my file is one of the LC files that's going to go to the baclog reduction center.


The BRC (or BEC, if you prefer) centers began receiving files around the first of September '04. They are currently in the process of file transfer/data entry of Regional office backlog files. State files that are backlogged will soon be added to the queue. File processing will continue to use the received date to prioritize. In the near future (30-60 days), info should be provided so that employers and/or representatives indicated on the G-28 will be able to inquire as to case status. Applicants (aliens) will be directed to inquire through their employer or G-28 representative.