what's the processing date for June 15?


Registered Users (C)
what date do you guys expect? last update only foward two days. hope this time they can jump to March, 2002. waiting...
I say it will be 02/16/2002

I say it will be 02/16/2002 .

June 15th 2004 - 850 days is 02/16/2002

RD 05/14/2002
No FP :confused:
Expect Jan 15, 2002. The reason is that NSC is at this date right now. So, there is no urgency for TSC to move past this date -- they have caught up with at least one other service center and now don't need to worry about being way behind.

-- Sam
Don't want to make ominous predictions, but are we ruling out the possibility that the processing date can move backwards in time? If TSC is truly unpredictable, then why not (as a matter of fact, that would be more consistent with reality -- we know of many cases from before Jan 7 2002 that are yet to be processed)!
budboy, if they go backwards, TSC would be admitting to the rest of us that either they were lying before or are lying right now. Or there is some gross internal control defect that they do not know what they are doing(which is true but it is more likely than not that they will never admit it). So NO, I do not think they can ever publish a date which suggest they are going backwards!! :D
Processing date does not matter. It only serves an option for you to send USCIS an inquiry letter. No rules, no encouragement.

Very frustrated!